Wittenberg to deliver fall courses based on 3 factors

How Wittenberg University delivers courses in the fall will depend on three factors, the university’s provost said.

“Our primary considerations have been safeguarding the health of students, faculty and staff while maintaining the highest quality of education and engagement for our students,” said Provost Michelle Mattson.

The university will offer courses through online, hybrid or face-to-face format depending on:

Room capacity – Classrooms were reconfigured to meet social distancing guidelines

Faculty and staff health – The university will accommodate employees with health concerns or vulnerabilities or who live with family who have health concerns or vulnerabilities

Absences – Potential student or faculty absences must be planned for during the semester due to illness or the need to quarantine

“Most classes will be delivered in a hybrid format,” Mattson said. “This approach best helps us address the three concerns above.”

Mattson said if some students need to isolate or quarantine, classes of any model will be accessible for online learning, except those that involve advanced labs, some art/theater projects or clinical experiences that require face-to-face engagement.

“This will also allow students who cannot return to Wittenberg at this time to continue to make progress on their degrees,” she said.

Students will still have regular interaction with their faculty members, and most faculty will continue to hold in person office hours where social distancing is possible or teleconferences when it’s not possible, Mattson said.

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