Wittenberg alumni board names winner of top award

The Wittenberg University Alumni Association Board has named this year’s recipient of a top faculty prize award.

Sally Brannan, professor of education, was chosen as the 2022 recipient of the Alumni Association Award for Distinguished Teaching.

Brannan serves as the chair of the university’s Department of Education. She received the award, presented by board president Steve Shanor, during the university’s annual Honors Convocation during the spring semester.

Shanor said Brannon continuously demonstrates her service and commitment to the university.

“She has always advocated for students and shows genuine care. The type of care she has shown along with so many of the faculty here is what makes Wittenberg such an amazing place. Like past recipients, she demonstrates that excellence in teaching spans all aspects of Wittenberg’s curriculum. Dr. Brannan has grown not only students’ interest in her field, but the value they place on a Wittenberg liberal arts education,” he said.

Brannan was overwhelmed after receiving the award.

“The very first thing I did was walk over to Recitation Hall and read every single name on the wall of the past recipients and see how many I knew in my 21 years. It means so much to me, especially being a trained educator and understanding how people learn, and then being recognized for teaching. I had no clue it was going to be me. You sit there during the ceremony and hear the description thinking ‘oh I know who this is. I only realized it was me the moment before he said my name,” she said.

Brannan teaches in both the graduate and undergraduate degree programs and has been active in research, teaching, and service. Her primary research examines collaboration among special educators and related health service providers for children and students with disabilities.

She earned her Bachelor of Arts in education from West Liberty State University, her M.Ed. in special education Ohio University, served seven years as the director of early childhood programs at a rehabilitation center in West Virginia, and has taught students with multiple disabilities at two schools in West Virginia, while also completing her doctoral studies at West Virginia University.

The Distinguished Teaching Award, established in 1960, is presented to a faculty member who has completed five years of service at Wittenberg and is a full-time teacher at the time of selection. Selection is based on current performance, and all alumni, students, faculty and staff are allowed to nominate candidates.

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