What’s happening this week: Food programs, back-to-school event and more

Several events will be held in Clark and Champaign Counties this week, including Oesterlen Services for Youth's back to school community event. Contributed

Several events will be held in Clark and Champaign Counties this week, including Oesterlen Services for Youth's back to school community event. Contributed

Council Meeting

The next meeting of the Springfield-Clark County Safety Council is scheduled for 7:30 a.m. today at the Courtyard Marriott Downtown Springfield.

The topic is “Accident Investigations and VSSR’s” presented by Gary Auman, attorney at Auman Mahan + Furry Attorneys.

A $30 fee is required to be paid at the door and includes a breakfast that begins at 7 a.m. You do not have to be a safety council member to attend.

Register as a guest by visiting business.greaterspringfield.com/events/.

Urbana Library Event

The Champaign County Library, 1060 Scioto St., will host Steam Club at 6 p.m. today for children in third grade and older.

Community Kitchen

A Central Community Kitchen will be held from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. today at High Street UMC, 230 E High St. It provides a warm meal to anyone in need.

For more information, call the Church Office at 937-322-2527.

Food Program

The Clark County Public Library, in partnership with Second Harvest Food Bank, will host the Summer Food Program at the Main Library though Aug. 10.

Children ages 1-18 (while supplies last) can stop by the Gaier Room or Meeting Rooms 1 and 2 from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. today, Wednesday and Thursday and eat a complete lunch, plus have additional take-home food.

For more information about these or services that the library offers, visit www.ccplohio.org or call 937-328-6903.


Master Gardener Volunteers of Clark County are sponsoring Meet Me in the Garden for Yoga at 9 a.m. on Thursday under the Wingert Tossey Pavilion at Snyder Park Gardens & Arboretum.

Donations will be accepted. Please make sure to bring your own mats, bolsters, and water.

Back-to-School Event

Oesterlen Services for Youth will hold a free back to school community event from 3:30 to 5 p.m. on Thursday.

There will be outdoor activities, food, entertainment and 300 bags of school supplies to give away.

Oesterlen is also still in need of donations of school supplies such as spiral notebooks, folders, glue sticks, pencils, paper packs, kid scissors, pencil sharpeners and crayons.

If interesting in volunteering, email Becky Campana at rcampana@oesterlen.org.

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