Triad schools makes progress on new FFA agriculture barn

A ribbon cutting will be held on June 15 during the district’s Red, White & Cards event.
The outside of Triad Local School District’s new agricultural FFA barn. Contributed

The outside of Triad Local School District’s new agricultural FFA barn. Contributed

Triad Local Schools has made progress on its new agriculture barn for its FFA (Future Farmers of America) chapter.

Since the groundbreaking in October of last year, a lot of work has been done on the new barn, which is located next to the high school at 8099 Brush Lake Road in North Lewisburg.

“We have completed site work, building the structure including doors and windows, and concrete on the interior and exterior,” said Superintendent Vickie Maruniak.

The barn, which is red like the other buildings, is being built for more hands-on and outdoor learning experiences, community involvement and education such as growing plants and tractor troubleshooting, and for community days where young 4H students can come and learn about different animals. A greenhouse will also be added in the future.

Students doing some of the work on Triad Local School District’s new agricultural FFA barn. Contributed

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Maruniak said they stayed slightly under the $215,713.92 anticipated budget for the completed work of phase 1, including architect fees, site work, structure and concrete, which was possible through sponsors and donors, community supporters and local farmers.

The district is now working on phase 2, which includes insulation, ceiling liner, sidewall liner, electric, a mezzanine (loft) and water. They secured $43,000 in donations for this phase, including $13,000 from Funderburgh Farms & Excavating, $5,000 from Robinson Insulation Company, Inc., $10,000 from Eagle Electric, Inc., and $15,000 from Critters and Blooms Farm.

“After donations totaling $43,000, phase 2 will add just under another $50,000 to the overall project cost,” Maruniak said.

A ribbon cutting will be held at 12:30 p.m. on June 15 at the FFA barn, during the Red, White & Cards event, which is a community event to bring everyone together.

This event has many activities scheduled throughout the day from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., including a 5K, tractor and car show, bingo, tournaments, food trucks, vendors, fireworks and much more.

For more information or updates on the barn and the event, visit Triad’s Facebook page at

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