Tecumseh earns one of area’s highest progress scores on Ohio School Report Card

The district also scored the lowest percentage on college, career, workforce and military readiness.
Tecumseh Local Schools received one of the highest star ratings in progress, but the lowest on college, career, workforce and military readiness on the Ohio School Report Cards list. FILE/BILL LACKEY/STAFF

Tecumseh Local Schools received one of the highest star ratings in progress, but the lowest on college, career, workforce and military readiness on the Ohio School Report Cards list. FILE/BILL LACKEY/STAFF

Tecumseh Local Schools received one of the county’s highest star ratings in progress, but the lowest marks on college, career, workforce and military readiness on the Ohio School Report Cards list.

New report card ratings released by the Ohio Department of Education this month show school districts received an overall rating based on a new 1- to 5-star rating, with 5 being the highest. An overall rating of at least 3 stars means a district or school meets state standards, according to the ODE.

Tecumseh received one of the area’s highest star ratings in progress with 4 stars, but not all scores were as strong, leaving the district with an overall rating of 3.5 stars. They also scored a 3 in achievement, gap closing and early literacy, and a 2 in graduation, one of the lowest in the county.

“We feel good about our 3.5-star (overall) rating, but we are expecting increases on the next report card,” said Superintendent Paula Crew. “We are also aware that the state report card doesn’t show all the work of our staff, students and families. It is a snapshot of student performance and growth.”

The district had the second lowest performance index, which measures state test performance, in Clark County at 73.1%. However, it did increase from last year’s 71.6%.

Crew said the district maintained its rating on achievement, it still increased the performance index percentage.

“Many of our students come into the district below grade level, and our teachers and staff work hard to ensure they make more than a year’s growth to help get them back on track,” she said.

When it comes to graduation rate, the district’s overall rate slightly decreased but the four-year rate increased. They had an overall rate of 88.8%, compared to last year’s 88.9%. The four-year rate was 89.3% compared to last year’s 85.8%.

The district also had the lowest college, career, workforce and military readiness percentage in the county at 16.2%.

“We will evaluate subgroups in achievement and growth to make sure (the student’s) needs are being met,” Crew said.

Compared to last year’s star ratings, Tecumseh increased by 1 in early literacy, stayed the same in progress, achievement and graduation, and decreased by 1 in gap closing.

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