Student of the Week Springfield High School

Abigail Frock is the Student of the Week from Springfield High School. CONTRIBUTED

Abigail Frock is the Student of the Week from Springfield High School. CONTRIBUTED

Name: Abigail Frock

School: Springfield High School

Grade: 12

Age: 18

Extra-curricular: Varsity Academic Team, Rec-League Softball, Cycling, Book Club, National Honor Society, Peace Camp Peer Mentor

Claim to fame/honors: AP Scholar with Honor, National Honor Society, International Baccalaureate Diploma Candidate, Award of Excellence, 4.856 GP, Super Honor Roll

Words you live by: See what tomorrow brings.

Toughest challenge: knowing when to ask for help

Biggest influence: Ms. Herring and Ms. Biester

School-day rituals: Wake-up, get dressed, brush teeth, and listen to the news

What’s on your bedroom walls: movie and TV posters

When I’m bored I like to... play my guitar

Favorite movie: 1969

Person who would play you in a movie: Elizabeth Olsen

Favorite TV show: Star Trek: The Next Generation

Favorite musical artist: Joni Mitchell

Favorite book: Breakfast of Champions or Goodbye Blue Monday by Kurt Vonnegut

Favorite home-cooked meal: Lemon-Pepper Chicken

Favorite restaurant: Gratzi

Whose mind would you like to read: no one – too intrusive

Place where you’d love to travel: New Zealand

Talent you’d like to have: the ability to sing

Favorite school subjects: History and English

Favorite athlete: Max Grodenchik

Favorite team: The Niners Baseball Team

Something in the world I’d like to change: End war and solve the climate crisis

Favorite high school moment: having discussions with my teachers

Favorite junk food: Goldfish

Best thing about high school: it’s only 4 years