Student of the Week Southeastern High School

Name: Ryan Flax

School: Southeastern High School

Grade: 12

Age: 17

Extra-curricular: FFA, 4-H, Basketball, Cross Country, NHS, Class Officer, Student Council

Claim to fame/honors: hitting a cow with my truck on the road (everyone involved was ok…)

Words you live by: Live your best life

Toughest challenge: living up to my own expectations

Biggest influence: my parents

School-day rituals: skip breakfast and show up 2 minutes before school starts

What’s on your bedroom walls: lots of signs and posters

When I’m bored I like to... watch Youtube/Tik Tok or randomly clean things

Favorite movie: No Country For Old Men

Person who would play you in a movie: Young Micheal Cera

Favorite TV show: Avatar the Last Airbender

Favorite musical artist: Kanye West

Favorite book: Flowers for Algernon

Favorite home-cooked meal: turkey and stuffing

Favorite restaurant: Ann and Tony’s

Whose mind would you like to read: Elon Musk

Place where you’d love to travel: Europe

Talent you’d like to have: I wish I was able to talk backward

Favorite school subject: Science

Favorite athlete: Luca Dončić

Favorite team: The Ohio State Buckeyes

Something in the world I’d like to change: I’d like to see everyone in the world have access to good public education

Favorite high school moment: when one of our teachers was confused with an intruder and the school went on lockdown

Favorite junk food: Chips Ahoy cookies

Best thing about high school: all the friends you make and the people you interact with