Springfield’s 3 months of street sweeping starts Monday, affects parking

The city of Springfield will start their street sweeping program next week. BILL LACKEY/STAFF

The city of Springfield will start their street sweeping program next week. BILL LACKEY/STAFF

The city of Springfield’s annual street sweeping program will begin Monday.

In partnership with Dayton Sweeping Service Inc., street sweeping will take three months to complete, with the entire city swept by July, according to city officials.

Sweeping will begin in the southwest quadrant of the city and continue clockwise through other quadrants until the entire city has been swept.

Only one side of each street will be swept each day to allow residents to park their vehicles on the opposite side.

“No parking” signs will be posted on alternate sides of the streets one day prior to sweeping, so vehicles parked in these restricted areas will be ticketed. If bad weather causes delays in street sweeping, parking restrictions will be posted.

“This program removes more than 600 tons of debris from our streets annually, helping to keep Springfield looking its best,” city officials said. “It also plays a vital role in meeting Ohio EPA permit requirements for environmental protection.”

Along with this program, city crews also operate two street sweepers year round, “focusing on busy streets with high litter or pollution, where parking restrictions aren’t needed.”

For more information about the street sweeping schedule or street maintenance, contact the city of Springfield’s Service Department at 937-525-5800.

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