Springfield to receive $2.5 million in grant funding from HUD

Springfield is slated to receive over $2.5 million in grants from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

It is part of $230 million in funding recently announced and awarded to communities across Ohio in order to help address concerns around affordable housing as well as help meet individual and family needs.

The funding comes in the form of several programs by HUD, including the Community Development Block Grant Program, Emergency Solutions Grants and the HOME Investment Partnerships Program.

That money aims to help communities provide decent and affordable housing, expand economic opportunities as well as provide funding for homeless shelters and other forms of emergency shelter.

Springfield was listed by HUD to receive over $2.5 million in those grants for the fiscal year 2021. That includes over $1.8 million in Community Development Block grants, over $500,000 in HOME Investment Partnerships Program grants and over $160,000 in Emergency Solutions grants.

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