Springfield Rotary gives grants to 25 special education teachers

The grants will impact 208 local students with disabilities.
Stephanie Foreman, a teacher at Kenton Ridge High School, began receiving Springfield Rotary grants in 1997 for a field trip for her students to attend The Riding Centre in Yellow Springs for therapeutic riding sessions. Contributed

Stephanie Foreman, a teacher at Kenton Ridge High School, began receiving Springfield Rotary grants in 1997 for a field trip for her students to attend The Riding Centre in Yellow Springs for therapeutic riding sessions. Contributed

Twenty five city and county special education teachers were chosen as recipients of the 2024-25 Grants-To-Teachers award.

The grants, which are awarded through the Springfield Rotary Services to People with Disabilities Program, total more than $9,000 and impact 208 local students with disabilities, according to rotary officials.

All 25 teachers who applied received grants. The teachers are from Clark-Shawnee, Greenon, Northeastern, Northwestern, Springfield City, Tecumseh, the Springfield-Clark Career Technology Center (CTC) and the Clark County Educational Service Center (ESC).

The funds will be used during the current school year to enrich the students’ learning experience with funds their school or district can’t provide.

Stephanie Foreman, a teacher at Kenton Ridge High School who began receiving this award in 1997, is among multiple teachers who use their grants for therapeutic riding at The Riding Centre in Yellow Springs, which has been in business for more than 50 years.

A total of 61 faculty of multi-disability, cross-categorial or intense resource classrooms of public elementary, middle and high schools were invited to apply, with names provided by their respective school districts.

Through this annual Grants-to-Teachers project, the Springfield Rotary provides therapeutic horseback riding; life and leadership skills; field trips; equipment for teaching life skills; materials and equipment to promote fine motor, gross motor and visual motor skill development; materials to increase vocabulary, literacy, math, science and social studies skills; and opportunities for focus, learning, communication, sensory and self-regulation.

The faculty receiving grants include:

Peggy Ault, Springfield Clark CTC-Project SEARCH

Sarah Biggs, Clark County ESC-Pleasant Street

Madelyn Boyd, Park Layne Elementary School

Krista Cahoon, Northwestern Elementary School

Liberty Choiniere, Shawnee Elementary School

Amanda Coulter, Clark County ESC-Enon

Stephanie Foreman, Kenton Ridge High School

Mandi Haynes, Perrin Woods Elementary School

Ruthann Hill, Greenon Elementary School

Della Johnson, Northwestern High School

Annika Lehman, New Carlisle Elementary School

Megan Longano, Clark County ESC-Enon

Judy Loy, Northwestern Elementary School

Audrey Ludlow, Clark County ESC-Enon

Beth Oder, Springfield-Clark CTC

Beth Patterson, Shawnee Elementary School

Tanya Sanders, Snowhill Elementary School

Jeri Lynne Schmenk, Snyder Park Elementary School

Christa Sodders, Kenton Ridge Middle School

Theresa Stevens, Clark County ESC-Enon

Beth Szekacs, Shawnee High School

Tate Thomas, Shawnee Elementary School

Laura Townshend, Snyder Park Elementary School

Sarah Vikan, Donnelsville Elementary School

Heather Wessels, Greenon Elementary School

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