Southeastern hires new high school principal

Southeastern Local School District has hired a new high school principal.

Tim Bell was hired as the new Jr./Sr. High School principal at a special board meeting this week, after serving as the Miami View Elementary School principal the last three years.

Bell has been a teacher at both the high school and Miami View Elementary, and he also served as an athletic director and director of student services.

Superintendent David Shea said Bell has accumulated 17 years of administrative experience in the district being an athletic director, director of student services and principal.

“Mr. Bell has a terrific understanding of the academic and special education processes. He does a great job of analyzing academic data and implementing multi-tiered supports. He also has worked with the athletic and extracurricular programs. Mr. Bell truly comprehends the importance of these activities for both school and community,” he said.

Bell is replacing PJ Bertemes, who moved to the director of operations and campus/student affairs position for the district.

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