Seldom was heard a discouraging word: City meeting a rare oasis of positivity

Large crowd packs meeting, urges support for Haitian immigrants, thanks Springfield City Commission for work
Several community members spoke in support of Springfield's Haitian immigrant community during the city's commission meeting Tuesday, Jan. 29. 2025.

Several community members spoke in support of Springfield's Haitian immigrant community during the city's commission meeting Tuesday, Jan. 29. 2025.

Springfield residents expressed their support for their Haitian neighbors as well as for local officials at Tuesday’s city commission meeting.

The city hall meeting room was filled to capacity, with several community members applauding Springfield’s neighborly attitude, and embracing immigrants, during the city’s first meeting after President Donald Trump’s inauguration.

Trump ran on a tough-on-immigration platform and was one of the anti-immigrant voices in September when the city was thrust into the national spotlight with baseless rumors about Haitian immigrants stealing and eating pets.

The tone of Tuesday’s meeting was different than many previous ones. No residents asked for removal of Haitian immigrants or shared anti-immigrant sentiment as had been common since August 2023 when a Haitian immigrant crashed into a Northwestern school bus, killing one student and injuring others, and after September 2024 when the pet rumors began. A small group of people have often returned to meetings and shared a variety of concerns about the Haitian population and the city’s response, but none spoke Tuesday.

Shelley Dillow, a lifelong Springfield resident, said she wanted newcomers to experience the same opportunities as those afforded to her family. She said her grandparents moved here from Kentucky after they took a taxi as far north as their money would take them, landing in Springfield, where her grandparents found opportunity.

“I really do love this community and I would like to see that the same kinds of opportunities given to my family are offered to others that come here,” Dillow said.

The vast majority of Haitian immigrants in Springfield are believed to have entered the country legally, through humanitarian parole, before obtaining a legal status like Temporary Protected Status or asylum in some cases. Local officials have estimated there are 10,000 to 15,000 Haitian immigrants living in the area.

During the meeting, State Senator Kyle Koehler asked residents to come to him with problems, and said that while he does not know exactly what will happen at the federal level, he will do what he can to help.

“There are people in Florida dealing with hurricanes and flooding, there are people in North Carolina dealing with mudslides, there are folks in California dealing with fires; they’re struggling with those issues in the same way that we’re struggling with issues here, and no matter how things change in the near future, whether TPS is lifted and people start going back to the country they came from as was rightly understood under TPS, we need to clean up some struggles in Springfield,” Koehler said. “But we have to remember that we’re not dealing with mud, we’re not dealing with fire, we’re not dealing with water. We’re dealing with human beings and we need to treat them with the dignity that they deserve.”

One man praised Springfield’s neighborly attitude, using the example of the assistance he received eight years ago when he was in an accident on a motor scooter.

“I’m very grateful for the helping and neighborly actions that this city has taken over its great history and looking back ... I’m kind of moved by, you go back to the Gammon House and go all the way up to Winkie Mitchell, who taught me how to be a good neighbor, and her spirit is still here,” the man said.

Another man, who identified himself as recently retired from the military, said that during his time in the service he visited multiple countries “destroyed by war,” and he is proud that the U.S. brings people from “destroyed countries and give[s] them refuge.”

Several residents also thanked city commissioners for their work and for supporting all community members.

Bradford Bogan said the last time he spoke at the city commission meeting was to advocate for the LGBTQ+ community, and now he wanted to do the same for the immigrant community. He said he works in long-term care, which has been impacted by a staffing shortage in healthcare, and immigrants have helped fill the void.

“I will not stand idly by while people in this city, villainize such beautiful people who take care of your friends and your family,” Bogan said. “I grew up here in Springfield; I grew up in Tremont City. I went to Northwestern; the people I’m taking care of at my nursing home are my neighbors. They’re my mom’s friend. They’re my grandparents' friend. They’re the OG Springfielders. And you’re going to villainize people who are taking care of our own. It’s not OK and I will not stand idly by while it happens.”

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