One Clark County private school to start in-person only, others offer options

One area private school in Clark County will start the fall in-person only while others follow a similar track to public schools, offering both in-person and online options.

Ridgewood School will start in-person with safety protocols on Aug. 26 for PK-3 grade and on Aug. 31 for 4-8 grade, according to the school.

If the school must close, they will then offer a virtual model.

Although the school is only offering in-person for now, they hope to offer an online option by September.

All faculty and staff must wear a mask or shield when close to others, in common spaces or when social distancing is not possible.

Students in grades 4-8 will be required to wear masks and will be given their own personal face shield to wear while in the classroom when social distancing is not possible, and students in K-3 will be given hats with a protective face guard that they must wear when interacting with others.

All students, faculty and staff should still also bring their own cloth mask to school each day, and all shields given to students will remain at the school.

Catholic Central Schools will begin the fall on Aug. 26 with in-person learning, but will also offer a virtual option, according to the school’s website.

The school is offering three plans – A, B and C – but will start with Plan A, which includes daily on-site instruction or elective virtual instruction.

Plan A: Option 1 is in-person learning for all students with extensive health and safety protocols in place and option 2 is remote learning where students follow a normal class schedule for live stream instruction.

Plan B will be used if the schools must limit the number of students that attend daily and includes two options – blended daily on-site and virtual instruction or elective virtual instruction.

Plan C will be used if school must close and students will learn by virtual instruction.

All students and staff will be required to wear masks with specific exceptions and breaks will be given at times throughout the day.

Springfield Preparatory and Fitness Academy will offer families the option of in-person or online learning, according to the academy’s website.

Students will have a staggered start schedule beginning Aug. 19 based off their last name and learning option.

For the in-person option, students will learn in-person and be in the buildings five days a week. For the online option, learning will take place with the support of academy teachers and students will have to commit to the first semester.

If the school must close, a distance learning instruction will be provided to students.

All students and staff will be required to wear face masks and breaks will be scheduled throughout the day.

Emmanuel Christian Academy will offer both traditional in-person and remote learning options for when school starts on Aug. 25, according to the academy.

All faculty, staff and volunteers will be required to wear a mask or shield except when alone in their workspace, cannot due to health reasons or if it would interfere with learning.

Students must be sent to school with a mask each day to wear in mandatory areas, but they are not required to wear them all day or for an extended period.

The mandatory areas can include arrival and dismissal, in hallways, bathrooms or locker rooms, when requested by a teacher, and during class changes.

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