“The Clark County Combined Health District has completed contact tracing and is making contact with anyone in our school community identified as a close contact. If an individual is not contacted by the Clark County Combined Health District, the individual was not considered to be a close contact, ” the district stated.
A close contact is, “anyone who was within six feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes starting from 48 hours before the person began feeling sick until the time the patient was isolated,” according to the CDC.
The individual with the positive case as well as any close contacts will not be allowed to return to school until the health district approves their return, the district stated. They are also following guidance from the health district and their reopening plan for cleaning and disinfecting the building.
“(The district) is awaiting guidance from the State of Ohio on reporting COVID-19 data; a weekly update of COVID-19 data will be available on our website when the state shares the details of the reporting system,” the district stated.
The district said they will continue to closely monitor the situation and will provide additional information as needed.
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