Northeastern names new high school principal

Northeastern Local School District has named a new principal of the high school.

Zachary Dobbelaere was approved as the new Northeastern High School principal for the 2024-25 school year at a board meeting on Thursday.

“I am excited and humbled to embark on this new chapter in my career as the principal of Northeastern High School,” Dobbelaere said. “I look forward to the opportunities and challenges that come with this position while working collaboratively with our staff, students and families to help our Jets soar to their fullest potential.”

Dobbelaere, who has been with the district since 2008, has served in several leadership roles, including principal, assistant principal, interim assistant principal and faculty manager at Northeastern/South Vienna Middle School, Northeastern High School and Northridge Middle School. He has also taught physical education.

In his new role, Dobbelaere will continue to build on the foundation established by outgoing principal Todd Justice, and he said he is committed to enhancing a positive learning environment and providing leadership to staff and students.

“As we welcome Zack Dobbelaere as the new principal of Northeastern High School, we express our deepest gratitude to Todd Justice for his years of dedicated service and significant contributions to our school community and we wish him a well-deserved retirement,” said interim superintendent Steve Linson. “We are confident that Zack’s strong vision, leadership skills and unwavering commitment to education will elevate our school community to the next level. His wealth of experience in the district will serve our students and staff well as we navigate future challenges and explore new opportunities.”

Dobbelaere earned a bachelor of science in physical education from Bowling Green State University and a master of education in educational leadership from the University of Dayton. He and his wife, Amy, who is a preschool teacher, have two sons, Max and Andrew, in Plain City.

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