Based on the video game series, the live action action movie follows Sonic the Hedgehog (voiced by Ben Schwartz, perhaps best known for playing Jean Ralphio on the TV show "Parks and Recreation") as cop Tom Wachowski (James Marsden) helps him escape capture from the government, which is being aided by supervillain Dr. Robotnik (Jim Carrey).
The trailer was released Tuesday morning and has drawn mixed reactions from fans on Twitter. Some tweeted that they’re not happy with Sonic’s appearance.
Literally the ONLY thing wrong in this is Sonic himself
— Izuki (@Izuki67545946) April 30, 2019
It looks like ET with fur
— Elote Salinas (@elo_t416) April 30, 2019
Some chose to remain optimistic about the film.
As much I would rant about Sonic’s design.
— MagentaInkk (@MagentaInkk) April 30, 2019
This movie might end up to be at least good!
— Anthony Ingenito (@7grandmac) April 30, 2019
rprise us all be actually being really good. I’m not gonna lie, I have a lot of faith in this movie.
“Sonic The Hedgehog” hits theaters Nov. 8.
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