“It is with great sadness I have to announce that after 45 years in business we will be closing. Unfortunately for health reasons our last day will be Saturday February 22nd,” Proper wrote.
Proper — whose store is at 195 E. John St., a half-block off South Limestone — has been described as “the go-to person in the urgent care of Springfield appliances.”
After first working at a parts store in Columbus, Proper came to Springfield when Ted Kerchansky opened Mr. Handy in 1981.
In a News-Sun feature story about the store a year ago, Proper was well-described as a “schmoozer,” great at working with customers, honest when she didn’t know the answer, and still quick to learn after waves and waves of technological change in the industry.
On Thursday morning, a steady stream of people came into the store, some to shop, but others just to bid farewell to Proper after years of doing business with her. The phone was ringing off the hook.
Customer Brian Jones said he used to be in Mr. Handy all the time when he worked for a man who owned several rental properties.
“This place was a gold mine for that. I don’t know what we’re going to do, because you can’t find parts for your regular household appliances at the Lowe’s or Home Depots. Everything’s online, that’s how you buy things these days I guess,” Jones said Thursday. “But this gal here … she’s incredible. Always has been for years. It’s sad … but again, I got the element I needed today."
Credit: Bill Lackey
Credit: Bill Lackey
Asked Thursday about the closing and the outpouring of support, Proper said she was awash in feelings.
“Sad, overwhelming, joyful,” Proper said. “I’m humbled. Anticipating the future. It’s very emotional.”
The two words she kept repeating were “overwhelming” and “humbling.”
“You don’t realize the impact that you have, especially when you really enjoy your job — you do it out of love … and then when you take a step back and see the impact you have on the community, it’s very overwhelming and humbling," Proper said. “And you’re going to make me cry, so don’t do that. Words are not enough to say thank you.”
In her original social media post, Proper said she appreciated the kindness and support from customers over the years, “so this is probably one of the hardest things I’ve had to do!”
Within two hours of her post on the Bulletins of Springfield and Clark County Facebook page, nearly 300 people had commented, calling Proper “an incredible asset” to the community, and telling stories of all the times she had helped solve customers’ problems and keep a few more dollars in their pocket.
One poster summed Proper up with, “Your knowledge is legendary, access to it will be sorely missed in our community and you will be remembered for many years to come!”
Proper said after 45 years in business, Mr. Handy has lots of “stuff” to get rid of. She encouraged customers to stop by the store in the next two weeks, or call at 937-325-3116.
The store’s normal hours are 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, and 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays.
“God has been in our lives for all these years, and he’s not going anywhere, he’s going to take good care of us,” she said. “We wish everyone the best. Thank you, thank you.”
Credit: Bill Lackey
Credit: Bill Lackey