Members of Clark County Republican Party file petition to remove committee chairs

The petition asks for Laura Rosenberger’s and William Lindsey’s resignations, declaring a ‘lack of confidence’ in their abilities.

Credit: Laura Rosenberger

Credit: Laura Rosenberger

Members of the Clark County Republican Party are demanding leaders of the Central Committee and Executive Committee immediately resign or face removal proceedings.

In a document obtained by the News-Sun, 23 individuals identifying themselves as members of the Clark County Republican Party Central Committee and/or the Executive Committee signed a document indicating they have no confidence in the leadership of William Lindsey and Laura Rosenberger as chairpersons of the central committee and of the executive committee, respectively. The document claims a history of breaking the rules, changing scheduled meetings without consent, unlawfully attempting to remove party members, being “hostile” to Republican voters and more.

Rosenberger denied wrongdoing and said since her term began in June 2022, she has worked to root out corruption and ensure financial responsibility of the party.

She told the News-Sun that by signing the petition, some of the members are “actively engaging in the internal destruction of the Clark County Republican Party by sowing division and hatred where none existed.”

In the document, members accuse the chairpersons of changing dates and times of previously scheduled meetings for the central and executive committees without the consent of or notice to their members.

“As a result, Members have been inconvenienced when they have appeared at the scheduled date, time and place to learn the Committee would not be meeting,” the document stated.

Rosenberger denied this and said she makes sure everyone knows when meetings are changed. According to the party’s bylaws, the executive committee is required to meet at least four times annually, and she said she postponed the rest of the meetings this year to next year to focus on other events and happenings.

Rosenberger and Lindsey are also accused of violating the Roberts Rules of Order, a manual that outlines parliamentary procedure. According to the document, members accuse the chairmen of ruling members out of order after attempting to make and second motions. Their “proper motions” have not been presented to the committee and vote.

The document also states that Rosenberger and Lindsey “have claimed and exercised the authority to exclude Members” from meetings after the “second gavel,” a policy to remove individuals talking “out of order.” It claims that members have been threatened with exclusion from meetings for making proper motions or points of order, with Rosenberger and Lindsey refusing to allow the committee to vote on these.

Another reason for the demand is the chairpersons claiming the right to and attempting to remove “duly elected” members, which the document claims is against the law.

Setys Kelly, who said she is a current party member, said she resigned as treasurer in April after Rosenberger accused her of mishandling funds. She said the chairpersons attempted to remove her from party membership.

Rosenberger and the treasurer for both committees, Amy Board, said Kelly is no longer a member of the party, though Kelly disputed this.

Rosenberger said she is concerned the petition will discourage good candidates from applying to the interim county auditor position. She said because the party is made up of 60 members, she does not believe a majority will be reached to remove her and Lindsey.

The appointment process will be uninterrupted should Rosenberger and Lindsey be removed, Kelly said.

Sharon Vallery, a member of both committees and treasurer of the Republican Women’s Club, said one reason she signed the petition is Lindsey gave his central committee powers to Rosenberger in addition to her executive committee powers.

She said the chairpersons filed bylaws without following proper procedure.

But Rosenberger said the rules were discussed in the April 20 meeting this year before being filed with the Clark County Board of Elections.

Committee members also accuse Lindsey and Rosenberger of acting “hostile” to local Republicans, diminishing the local party’s efficacy during the 2024 election cycle.

“They have interfered with and hindered local auxiliary Republican clubs,” the document stated. “They have required local voters to prove their Republican commitment by reviewing the voters’ registration and quizzing them about their knowledge of the U.S. Constitution.”

Kelly said at the Clark County Fair this summer, Rosenberger refused to give voters signs promoting Ohio constitutional Issue 1 if they could not prove they were a Republican.

Rosenberger said this is within the party’s right and she wanted to ensure the signs were not taken by non-Republicans who would dispose of them. She said the state party practices similar checks.

The petition outlines a resolution to be presented at the next scheduled meetings if Rosenberger and Lindsey do not resign. If passed, it will remove the chairmen and replace Lindsey with Vice Chairman of the central committee James Stickford and replace Rosenberger with Jeanette Chu. It also resolves that the two members be removed from the executive committee and be replaced by Rhonda Zimmers and Setys Kelly.

Board said she does not understand electing new chairpersons in this way rather than the traditional election process, and she doesn’t “buy into” the claims the petition outlines.

Lindsey did not respond to a request for comment.

The petition was also signed by Rep. Bernie Willis (R-Springfield).

Kelly said she hopes the division in the party is quickly resolved.

“I just want this to be finished so that the Republican party can continue on and do its duty that it was elected to do, because we have a lot of good people on this committee and a lot of people that want to work and support and help with things in the community,” Kelly said. “And we can’t do that if we’re being distracted by all of this.”

John Anderson, a precinct captain for the party said the petition is “ridiculous” and said Rosenberger and Lindsey are “professionals” who care about the county.

He said Rosenberger is “as honest as the day is long” and he is “outraged” by the accusations.

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