Grade: 12
Age: 17
Extra-curricular: Senior Ambassador, Tour Guide and Musical
Claim to fame/honors: Certified in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, HTML and CSS. I won 6th place in Fundamentals of Web Design last year. I am going to state this year in a Web Design Team. I am also playing Flounder in Tecumseh's The Little Mermaid musical.
Words you live by: "Have a plan ready, but be ready to wing it."
Toughest challenge: Learning C# (Computer language)
Biggest influence: My parents
School-day rituals: Keep myself awake and do my classwork
What's on your bedroom walls: Posters of Pokémon, pictures of horses, pictures of dances I attended with my friends
When I'm bored I like to … Draw, a lot - digital or paper it doesn't matter
Favorite movie: The Pirates of the Caribbean series
Person who would play you in a movie: Jennifer Lawrence
Favorite TV show: Leverage
Favorite musical artist: Fall Out Boy
Favorite book: The Warrior series
Favorite home-cooked meal: Potato soup
Favorite restaurant: Olive Garden or Fazoli's
Whose mind would you like to read: The horses I take care of
Place where you'd love to travel: Italy
Talent you'd like to have: Horseback riding - I am terrible.
Favorite school subject: Science and History/Government
Favorite athlete: A. J. Green
Favorite team: Cincinnati Bengals
Something in the world I'd like to change: The gamer girl stereotype
Favorite high school moment: Homecoming, prom, musical rehearsals
Favorite junk food: Chocolate, cake and cookies
Best thing about high school: Seeing my friends and getting to goof off with them
About the Author