Student of the Week Northeastern High School

Alice Foreman

Alice Foreman

Name: Alice Foreman

School: Northeastern High School

Grade: 10

Age: 15

Extra-curricular: Soccer, Basketball, Student Government, FFA, Leo Club, Spanish Club, Peer Mentor

Claim to fame/honors: Archie Griffin Award, Secretary-Student Government

Words you live by: "Do your best."

Toughest challenge: Living with two brothers!

Biggest influence: Parents

School-day rituals: Peanut butter crackers

What's on your bedroom walls: Cool quotes

When I'm bored I like to … Play soccer, read, write

Favorite movie: Forrest Gump

Person who would play you in a movie: Emma Watson

Favorite TV show: Friends

Favorite musical artist: Michael Jackson

Favorite book: Hunger Games

Favorite home-cooked meal: Chicken and noodles

Favorite restaurant: Yamato

Whose mind would you like to read: My mom's

Place where you'd love to travel: Ireland

Talent you'd like to have: Singing

Favorite school subject: English

Favorite athlete: Morgan Brian (USA Women's Soccer)

Favorite team: Notre Dame

Something in the world I'd like to change: I'd like to make the world more peaceful.

Favorite high school moment: All the support I got from everyone after my surgery

Favorite junk food: Ice cream

Best thing about high school: Friends

About the Author