Springfield Then & Now: Willenborg family tailors

Herman Willenborg came to Springfield from Germany around 1850 and started a tailoring business. PHOTO COURTESY OF THE CLARK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY



Herman Willenborg came to Springfield from Germany around 1850 and started a tailoring business. PHOTO COURTESY OF THE CLARK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY

Herman Willenborg came to Springfield from Germany around 1850 and started a tailoring business, first on Fountain Avenue, then on Main, before moving to 22 W. High St. next to the Winters Company, a longtime printing business, both shown here in the 1880s.

Herman and his wife Wilhelmina (Minnie) had nine children, the majority of whom worked in the family business. Following Herman’s death in 1895, his sons, George and Aloysius (Louis) ran the business as Willenborg Brothers through the mid-1930s.

The buildings were torn down long ago and vacant lots are there.

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