Springfield Then & Now: Wartime Independence Day celebration

Wartime mandated blackouts meant that fireworks were not an option for 4th of July celebrations in 1942, but the city of Springfield made up for it with a parade that was bigger than usual with thousands turning out to march and watch. PHOTO COURTESY OF THE CLARK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY



Wartime mandated blackouts meant that fireworks were not an option for 4th of July celebrations in 1942, but the city of Springfield made up for it with a parade that was bigger than usual with thousands turning out to march and watch. PHOTO COURTESY OF THE CLARK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY

Wartime mandated blackouts meant that fireworks were not an option for 4th of July celebrations in 1942, but the city of Springfield made up for it with a parade that was bigger than usual with thousands turning out to march and watch.

The view of North Fountain Avenue is very different today and there is no downtown parade, but the patriotic celebrations continue throughout the county in other ways.

Today, Fountain Avenue looks a lot different with most of the buildings gone.

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