Springfield Then & Now: Ever changing South Limestone

This photo from September 1944 shows South Limestone just past E. High Street looking north, a view that has changed quite a bit over the years.  PHOTO COURTESY OF THE CLARK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY



This photo from September 1944 shows South Limestone just past E. High Street looking north, a view that has changed quite a bit over the years. PHOTO COURTESY OF THE CLARK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY

This photo from September 1944 shows South Limestone just past E. High Street looking north, a view that has changed quite a bit over the years.

These busy blocks at that time included F.W. Woolworth’s and Walgreen’s, which opened in 1940 and 1942 respectively.

Majestic Theater, The Boston Store, Isaly’s ice cream shop, many law offices, photo studios, doctors, several restaurants, the Springfield Institute of Music, Dow Drugs, and the Majestic News Stand.

Today, the scene looks a lot different. The only building that's still standing is the McAdams Building the housed the Walgreen's store in the 1944 picture.

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