New Springfield News-Sun front page to deliver important news faster

Today’s front page of the Springfield News-Sun has a fresh new look designed to give readers what you have asked us for.

Recently we brought groups of readers together to ask you what you needed most from the paper and how to make it better. Today we are launching a new front-page design that captures what you told us.

Easier to find important news: Now at the top and the bottom of the page there are large, clear descriptions of the most important stories from throughout the newspaper.

>> FROM THE ARCHIVES: 100 years of newspaper front pages

Continue giving us news helps us make important decisions in our lives: The stories we place on the front page will continue to be about topics you have told us affect your lives most directly. So we will anchor our newspaper around investigations into local tax spending; major changes to local jobs and employment; the most-important news of the day from around the country and the world; major issues that affect your family’s safety and news about events that affect our largest local institutions like Navistar, the Upper Valley Mall and other major local entities.

Local community news: We have reporters covering communities throughout Clark and Champaign counties. We’re making sure stories are clearly labels so readers in Springfield, New Carlisle, Urbana and our other communities can quickly find the stories about where they live.

Weather is important: You have told us loud and clear that you appreciate a quick, clear presentation of the day’s weather high on the page. This top item, with the latest information from the Stormcenter7 meteorologists, is more visible than ever before.

Throughout the paper you will continue to see the best local coverage of local news, sports, lifestyle, things to do, and entertainment. The local section will be clearer than ever about what is going on in your community.

These changes, which you helped bring about, help us continue our commitment to bringing you the best newspaper possible, every day.

Samantha Sommer


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