Global Education series begins Thursday

How To Go

What: Visit and Learn Series

When: Thursday, 7 p.m.

Where: Masjid Al-Madina, 1800 Burnett Road

What: Join the mosque for its evening prayer followed by a social hour with food to learn more about the religion.

A grassroots group focused on education about different cultures to encourage peace will start its 14th season of presentations Thursday.

The Global Education and Peace Network’s Visit and Learn Series starts at 7 p.m. Thursday at Masjid Al-Madina Mosque, 1800 Burnett Road.

This is the first time the group will meet out in the community at different places of worship. It plans to visit eight religious institutions throughout the summer.

“It is a great chance to meet some new people, learn about other cultures and even though we do have difference in the way we worship and what we believe, there are a lot of commonalities,” group organizer Nancy Flinchbaugh said.

Muslims pray five times a day in Arabic. The group plans to join the mosque for its evening prayer and then gather for a social hour with food, Flinchbaugh said. The mosque is home to the Miami Valley Islamic Association.

“We might hear some things on the news about radical Muslims, but that is not what their faith is about,” she said. “This kind of gives you a window into some of their traditions.”

Women are asked to cover their heads if they choose to attend, and all should refrain from wearing shorts.

The group also plans to visit Northridge United Methodist Church, 5610 Derr Road; El Bethel Temple at 2049 Clifton Ave.; the Yellow Springs Dharma Center, 501 Livermore, Yellow Springs; the Sikh Temple, 903 Factory Road, Beavercreek; the Baha’i Meeting of Yellow Springs, 502 Dayton St., Yellow Springs; the Hindu Temple of Dayton, 2615 Temple Lane, Beavercreek; and the Temple Sholom, 2424 N. Limestone St., Springfield, throughout the summer.

Flinchbaugh said these events are open to everyone, especially those with negative attitudes toward some of these cultures.

“They might learn people of other faith traditions are caring and loving people,” she said.

To find out more about these events, contact Flinchbaugh at 937-324-7696.

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