Clark County Common Pleas Court cases

Bill Lackey/Staff

Bill Lackey/Staff

Current cases:

20CV0216: Home City Federal Savings Bank of Springfield, The Richwood Banking Company v. Clark County Treasurer, James Does and Jane Does the unknown heirs devisees legatees beneficiaries executors administrators personal representatives and assigns of Matthew T. Sheridan Jr. deceased and their unknown spouses, Jill Doe unknown spouse of Matthew Sheirdan Jr. deceased, John Does and Jan Does the unknown guardians of minor and/or incompetent heirs of Matthew T. Sheridan Jr. deceased, the City of Springfield, Ohio, promissory note.

20CV0217: Charles Carpenter v. Administrator Bureau of Workers Compensation, Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio, Stephanie B. McCloud, bureau of workers compensation.

Property transfers:

Pauline Cannon to Judith A. Colaric, 26 Oaklawn Ave., Medway; $75,000

Douglas M. Teresa D. Gray to Seth Gray, 10419 Charmwood Lane, New Carlise; no fee

Betty J. Brown to Terry L. Brown, 862 Narcissus Dr., New Carlise; no fee

Peggy A. Hamilton to Howard K. Hamilton, 9807 Lower Valley Pike, Medway; no fee

Pauline Cannon to Judith A. Colaric, 26 Oaklawn Ave., Medway; $75,000

Douglas M. and Teresa D. Gray to Seth Gray, 10419 Charmwood Lane, New Carlisle; no fee

Betty J. Brown to Terry L. Brown, 862 Narcissus Dr., New Carlisle; no fee

US Bank Trust to Tammy and Joan Leatherman, 20 E. Cedar Road, Medway; $20,300

Heather Renee Griffin to Rebecca K. Fannin, 1145 Fyffe Ave., New Carlisle; $132,000

Bethany and Aaron Horn to Katherine M. and Keith Rose Pope, 968 Bellefontaine Road, New Carlisle; $1,000

Scarff Nursery Inc., to HDC VI LLC, 282 N. Dayton-Lakeview Road, New Carlisle; $2,136,500

Peggy Ann Hamilton to Howard K. Hamilton, 3754 Cloverdale Road, Medway; no fee

Wesley G. Snider and Ashley B. Maynard to Randall Wade, 602 Gerald Ave., New Carlisle; $130,500

Darrell L. Sherick to Elizabeth M. and James D. Phares, 604 W. Washington St., New Carlisle; $142,900

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