Helicopter over downtown Springfield: CareFlight to land at Clark State as part of EMS training

CareFlight will and on Clark State College’s campus on Friday and Saturday at the Brinkman Education Center as part of the training lab for the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Program. FILE/BILL LACKEY

CareFlight will and on Clark State College’s campus on Friday and Saturday at the Brinkman Education Center as part of the training lab for the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Program. FILE/BILL LACKEY

CareFlight will land on Clark State College’s downtown Springfield campus this week as part of the training for one of its programs.

The Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Program will conduct a CareFlight training lab on Friday and Saturday at the Brinkman Educational Center, 100 S. Limestone St.

The training will be held from 10 a.m. to noon, and the helicopter will land in the parking lot at Brinkman both days. The lot will be shut down from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

“It is a private training for the (Clark State) EMS students to learn how to set up a landing zone and scene safety when dealing with a helicopter and landing zones,” said Avery Salvito, EMS Program lab coordinator.

The college’s program introduces students to several emergency medical situations and experiences in the hospital setting and on emergency vehicles, and it has both day and evening courses available.

EMS are expanding with more opportunities for EMTs and paramedics, which was traditionally for a fire department, rescue squad or ambulance. Now, there are also positions in education, management, research, communications, support services and health agencies.

Premier Health’s CareFlight provides advanced and fast critical care medical transportation by air and ground for severely injured or ill patients who need immediate treatment, and transports to Miami Valley Hospital’s Level 1 Trauma Center.

This event is for training purposes only and not open to the public.

For more information about the program, visit www.clarkstate.edu/academics/degrees-and-certificates/school-of-health-human-and-public-services/emergency-medical-services/.

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