Greenon schools looking for feedback to develop new strategic plan

Greenon Local School District Board of Education and administrators: (From left to right) Treasurer Garth Whitaker; Keith Culp; Mark Remmetter; Dennis Henry; Jackie Potter; Stacey Hundley; and Superintendent Darrin Knapke. Contributed

Greenon Local School District Board of Education and administrators: (From left to right) Treasurer Garth Whitaker; Keith Culp; Mark Remmetter; Dennis Henry; Jackie Potter; Stacey Hundley; and Superintendent Darrin Knapke. Contributed

The Greenon Local School District is looking for feedback from staff, parents and the community as they are in the process of developing a new strategic plan.

The school board contracted with the Ohio School Boards Association (OSBA) to facilitate a comprehensive strategic planning process within the district, according to Superintendent Darrin Knapke.

“This strategic plan will build on current initiatives and assist the district in aligning its vision, mission and key goals. (We) hope the process will be inclusive and highly effective, resulting in a solid and workable plan that will serve as a roadmap for decision-making, continued school improvement and student success over the next several years,” Knapke said.

Knapke said their focus has been on making at least a year’s worth of growth for each child. He said they are working hard to bridge the learning gap through the help of additional staff members with in-school tutoring, afterschool tutoring and summer enrichment, as well as focusing on student mental health and also added additional days for a mental health therapist.

“I am very pleased with the progress our students are making this year and the academic excellence our teachers are providing to our students,” he said.

Knapke added it’s also been an exciting year as they moved into a new building with new resources and technology. He said they prepared the staff for the new environment and they also went through training, including how to use interactive monitors and other related resources, and how to co-teach in classrooms with moveable partitions.

“We hope to build on all of this and gain insight from our survey on what the staff and community believes we are doing well and where we can improve,” he said.

The district would like to have the strategic plan completed in November.

The board is asking the community for feedback through a survey that is on the district’s website. Community members are encouraged to fill out the survey that will close on May 25. Those unable to fill out a survey online can call the board office at 937-864-1202 for a copy.

After the survey closes, the OSBA will review the results with the Design Team that is made up of two board members and administrators. The board will also finalize the members of the Strategic Planning Core Team that will consist of the five board members, administrators, teachers, staff members and community members.

If anyone in the community is interested in being considered as a member of the Strategic Planning Core Team, email him at or call 937-865-1202. No strategic planning experience is necessary, just the willingness to participate and be involved in the process.

The Design Team will review the candidates and send an invitation to those selected to be on the team, which has a limited number of seats.

As a Core Team member, you will be actively involved in the critical phases of the strategic planning process. The team will meet four times over the summer and early fall from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. on May 31, Aug. 9, Sept. 20 and Oct. 11.

“It is extremely important to us that a cross-section of individuals from a variety of backgrounds, roles and perspectives within our school community are involved,” Knapke said.

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