Fulton Elementary student gets honorary Springfield police experience

A local elementary student was recently provided with a Springfield Police Division experience.

Officer Amanda Jackson and Officer Adam Schaefer, two School Resources Officers for the Springfield City School District, “answered the call of duty” to provide Fulton Elementary School student Jonathan Beale with an honorary “SPD Police Officer” experience last week.

“Jonathan has expressed his desire to be a police officer to all who know him,” said Cherie Moore, director of communications for the Springfield City School District. “Through his relationships with our SROs and his school nurse, they were able to set this up — something he will not soon forget.”

A school nurse also surprised Jonathan with his own police officer uniform.

“Anytime one of our students shows enthusiasm at a young age to pursue a career path, the district does their best to team with community partners to further that enthusiasm through education and hands-on experiences,” Moore said.

Jonathan also had the opportunity to meet Gov. Mike DeWine during his visit to the school in April.

Credit: Bill Lackey

Credit: Bill Lackey

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