Four Clark County women are receiving overdue recognition, delayed a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Women’s Partnership Funds (WPF), an organization of the Springfield Foundation, has announced its 2020/2021 selections for Extraordinary Women of Clark County, including the awards’ first posthumous choice and another who passed away after being selected. The honorees include Rita Lane, Shannon Meadows and the late Marilyn Demma and Dr. Shirley Schneider.
The women were actually selected in late 2019 and were to be honored at what would’ve been the eighth annual luncheon in May 2020 that was canceled due to the pandemic lockdown. Event organizers again opted to forego the luncheon and chose to recognize the women in a newsletter.
“This is a really important event recognizing women dedicated to making Clark County a better place who have helped pave the way for other women and are excellent examples of what it means to be a leader,” said Andrea O’Connor, WPF event co-chair.
She added the vision of the WPF is to see all Clark County area women and girls self-sufficient and achieving their full potential. The group has supported female-centered community programs including Girls on the Run and Project Woman and will go forward with another organization later this year.
The WPF accepts Extraordinary Women of Clark County nominations throughout the year and selects three to four. Nominees are required to be residents of Clark County and whose jobs or service to the community help make a difference with their time, talent or treasure according to O’Connor.
Past recipients have included Wendy Ford, Diane Van Auker, Bridget Doane, Nancy Lutz and Susie Rastatter, Debra Baker, Kayli Lawrence, Paula Crew and Shelley Lopez.
Due to several restrictions, the WPF elected not to name more recipients this year, but to honor the four 2020 selectees.
Rita Lane served 43 years as a Springfield City Schools employee, working as a teacher, administrator and principal. In retirement, she’s stayed active in various groups including serving as a docent, gardener and past board chair for the Westcott House; OSU Master Gardener Program; Tecumseh Education Foundation; and the Springfield Foundation.
Shannon Meadows is the Community Director for the City of Springfield, managing its daily operations and Housing and Urban Development. She’s worked for the City of Springfield for more than 20 years. Her community work includes being a board member of the local United Way and Girl Scouts of the USA.
Marilyn Demma died in December 2020 prior to receiving her Extraordinary Women of Clark County award. She was dedicated to improving the lives of Springfield’s children and families including as executive director of the Clark County Family and Children First Council, and before that her work with the Clark County Health Department.
Dr. Shirley Schneider is recognized as the first posthumous honoree. She worked as a dentist for 42 years, starting at a time when there were few practicing female dentists and distinguished herself as the first female student at the Northwestern University Dental School. Schneider would go on to mentor other local dentists, and was active in Zonta International where she advocated for women. Clark State has a scholarship named in her honor.
“While we were disappointed to not have our in-person luncheon, we are excited to celebrate these amazing women in print. Their dedicated and compassionate service has made our community better for everyone,” said WPF board chair Sarah McPherson.
Full bios of the recipients are available at the WPF’s page on the Springfield Foundation’s website or the WPF of Clark County Facebook page. O’Connor said nominations for next year will open in the fall and anyone can get involved with WPF.
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