Enon hopes these downtown changes bring more people and business

Enon is using federal and state money to make the village’s downtown look better and to improve safety.

The village’s $500,000 plan will include replacing sidewalks — making them compliant with the Americans With Disabilities Act — and adding lighting that improves visibility and the looks of downtown.

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This project has been in the works since 2012.

“We had discussed for several years the need to make some improvements to our downtown, and so this is the first part,” Enon Mayor Timothy Howard said. “We started with the sidewalks. We wanted to get everything in compliance.”

Enon also will replace street lights.

“We are looking at a lamp-post style, which will also change the appearance, and then eventually we would like to continue that through all of Main Street,” Howard said.

The project is starting now he said because it takes time for planning and engineering.

“The majority of the project is funded through federal monies through ODOT. It’s a transportation improvement program,” Howard said. “The remainder of the project is funded through the Ohio Public Works Commission, which is state monies.”

The project is funded entirely by those two entities, he said.

“There will be no direct monies required from property owners or business owners,” Howard said.

Marlene Kotsko, who has lived in Enon since 1969, said the sidewalk improvements are needed.

“We need to make our town safe,” she said.

The sidewalks will in compliance with the ADA once the project is complete, Howard said.

The work has been going on for a few weeks now and has little effect on the area.

“Our lanes for the most part have been kept open during the project. So, the actual obstacles to the residents or business owners has been very minimal,” Howard said.

The improvements are designed to give downtown a facelift and to create a different appearance that better reflects Enon’s heritage, he said.

The changes are expected to be completed by fall.

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