Election 2024: Here are local issues that could appear on November ballot

Voters this fall will be asked not only to decide on national, state and local leadership, but also a slew of proposed school district property tax levies, income tax items and other ballot issues for their communities.

The filing deadline for ballot issues for the Nov. 5 general election was Wednesday afternoon.

The following levies and issues will likely appear on ballots, pending certification from their county boards of election.

Clark County

The Springfield-Clark Career Technology Center in November will ask voters, for a third time, to approve a school construction issue they twice previously rejected. The 1.4-mill levy would fund the local cost to build a nearly $90 million new facility with the state contributing 62% of the base $63 million building cost.

A 1.99 mill, 5-year property tax levy has also been proposed for Greenon Local Schools. The district would use the tax money for general permanent improvements, according to the Clark County Board of Elections. The levy, which would generate $746,518 annually, would fund the construction of a new transportation garage and multipurpose room at the current Greenon athletic facility.

Proposed ballot measures:

New Carlisle: Charter amendment regarding chickens at residential properties

Green Twp.: 0.5 mills additional, 5 years, EMS

Green Twp.: 1.5 mill renewal, 5 years, roads and bridges

Harmony Twp.: 2 mill renewal, 5 years, fire services

Moorefield Twp.: 1 mill renewal, 5 years, police services

Moorefield Twp.: 1 mill renewal, 5 years, road and bridge

Pleasant Twp.: 2 mill additional, 5 years, fire and EMS personnel

Pleasant Twp.: 2.1 mill renewal, 5 years, fire services

Springfield Twp.: 1 mill renewal, 5 years, fire protection services and operations

Springfield Twp.: 1 mill renewal, 5 years; providing ambulance service, emergency medical service

Springfield Twp.: 0.5 mill additional, 5 years, police

Springfield Twp.: 1 mill renewal, 5 years, roads and bridges

Springfield City School District: 7 mill renewal, 5 years, current expenses

Greenon Local School District: 1.99 mill additional, 5 years, general permanent improvements

Northeastern Local School District: 1% income tax additional, 10 years, current expenses

Southeastern Local School District: 3 mill renewal, 5 years, general permanent improvements

Tecumseh Local School District: 4 mill renewal, 5 years, improvements and renovations to school facilities

Tecumseh Local School District: 7 mill substitute, 10 years, providing for necessary requirements of the school district

Springfield-Clark Career Center Technology: 0.94 mill bond issue, 37 years; new construction, improvements, renovations

Green Fire District #2: 1 mill renewal, 5 years, fire protection

Bethel Twp. (unincorporated): 1 mill renewal, 5 years, fire protection

Bethel Twp. (unincorporated): 1.75 mill additional, 5 years, current expenses

German Twp. (unincorporated): 2 mill additional, 5 years, fire protection

Champaign County

Voters in Champaign County may be asked to decide on a 1% income tax for Graham Local School District, a 4 mill additional property tax levy for fire and EMS services in Mutual or a parks levy for Woodstock.

Proposed ballot measures:

Mechanicsburg: 2.5 mill renewal, 5 years, fire and EMS

St. Paris: 4 mill renewal, 5 years, street improvements

St. Paris: Electric and gas aggregation

Mutual: 4 mill additional, 5 years, fire and EMS

Woodstock: 2 mill additional, 5 years, parks and recreation

Goshen Twp.: 0.5 mill renewal, 5 years, Maple Grove Cemetery

Goshen Twp.: 4 mill additional, 5 years, fire and EMS

Jackson Twp.: 0.06 mill renewal, 5 years, road and bridge

Johnson Twp.: 1 mill renewal, 5 years, road improvements

Mad River Twp.: 1.5 mill renewal, 5 years, road improvements

Rush Twp.: 0.5 mill replacement, 5 years, cemetery

Union Twp.: 2 mill renewal, 5 years, road and bridge

Graham Local School District: 1% income tax, additional, 5 years

Triad Local School District: 0.5% income tax, renewal, 5 years

Mechanicsburg School District: 1.4 mill renewal, emergency, 10 years

Mechanicsburg School District: 1% income tax, renewal, 15 years

Mechanicsburg Public Library: 1 mill renewal, operating expenses, 5 years

NE Champaign Fire District: 4.5 mill replacement, fire and ambulance, 3 years