Urbana foster dad sentenced on sex crimes involving young boys

A Champaign County sheriff’s deputy handcuffs Jeffrey McClain in court on Wednesday morning. McClain was sentenced to a total of 13 years in prison for sex crimes involving young boys. JENNA LAWSON/STAFF

A Champaign County sheriff’s deputy handcuffs Jeffrey McClain in court on Wednesday morning. McClain was sentenced to a total of 13 years in prison for sex crimes involving young boys. JENNA LAWSON/STAFF

A 63-year-old Urbana foster dad on Wednesday was sentenced to 13 years in prison for sex crimes involving three young boys.

Jeffery McClain was convicted earlier this month of gross sexual imposition and endangering children.

Prosecutors said there was one instance in 2017 when two of the victims stayed the night at McClain’s house. During that night, McClain gave one of the victims a massager to use on himself while McClain watched.

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Two of the victims were also present while McClain molested the third victim in McClain’s bed on the same occasion.

Prosecutors said one of the victims was abused for a much longer period of time outside of that night.

At the time of the offense involving all three victims, the boys were between 10-11 years old. Prosecutors said the abuse spanned from April 2017 to November 2018.

During sentencing, McClain faced forward while the mother of two of the victims testified.

This news organization is not identifying her to protect the identities of the kids.

“You were a baseball parent, a football parent, a wrestling parent and involved in boy scouts,” she said. “You were grooming my children for something bigger. I like to hold my grudges — and as a gift to myself, I will never forgive you. Maybe God will forgive you, but I am not God.”

McClain has been on an ankle monitor while his case played out in court, and McClain’s defense attorney, Addie King wanted it to stay that way post-conviction.

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King cited his years of law-abiding activity and several medical conditions that he needs care for as a reason for a community control sentence.

McClain asked for mercy — but the judge saw it differently.

Champaign County Common Pleas Court Judge Nick Selvaggio said sentencing McClain to community control would demean the seriousness of the offense.

McClain was sentenced to the maximum five-year prison term for the GSI charge and the maximum eight-year prison term for endangering children. Those sentences are set to run consecutively.

In addition to the prison time, McClain will also have to register as a tier two sex offender with the Champaign County Sheriff’s Office.

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