Teacher allegedly made vodka drinks and had sex with two boys, student testifies

LEBANON — A former Mason High School football player Monday recounted five occasions when he and his buddies allegedly had sexual intercourse with former teacher and athletic trainer Stacy Schuler in her Springboro home.

Schuler’s trial started Monday in Warren County Common Pleas Court. She waived her right to a jury last week and has plead not guilty by reason of insanity. Schuler, 33, is charged with 16 felony counts of sexual battery and three misdemeanor counts of offenses involving underage persons.

One football player, who now is a wildlife biology major at Ohio University, said he had sexual intercourse with his former teacher a total of seven times during five visits to her home. He is the only student who was at her house during all five alleged interludes with the teacher.

One of his former teammates, who testified first, set up the first visit because he wanted Schuler to give him Vicodin for an ankle injury. That young man, who just turned 19 on Oct. 22 is a pre-med student at the Ohio State University, told Judge Robert Peeler Schuler wasn’t going to give him the painkiller but said it was okay if they came for a visit. She allegedly made vodka smoothies for him and his friend, they smoked some marijuana and had sex.

He said Schuler allegedly gave him a massage and then made an overture he took as an invitation to have sex.

Schuler is accused of having sex with five Mason students, most of whom were football players, and buying or providing alcohol for them.

“She looked at me and said anything you want to do, whatever. I just kind of looked at her like what?” he said.

He said each boy allegedly took turns having sex with their teacher, twice. At some point the three of them went outside to have a cigarette. Assistant Prosecutor Teresa Hiett asked, “all three of you were naked?” He said yes.

The young man was just starting to tell about the second time he and his friend went to Schuler’s house on Aug. 27, 1010, when he and Schuler allegedly had sex on a kitchen counter, when Peeler called a lunch break.

The young man said he stopped the visits after two because he became interested in another girl. His buddy went back three more times with other friends. On one occasion he said he and another friend and Schuler ended up having a bubble bath, then the three had sex in the shower and again in Schuler’s bedroom.

Schuler’s attorneys Charlie H. Rittgers and his son Charlie M. Rittgers say the boys took advantage of their client. The senior Rittgers in his opening statement told Peeler his client was on Zoloft at the time of the alleged incidents and her drinking further marred her abilities.

“The state wants to look at Stacy Schuler as a sex maniac with an insatiable appetite for sex, drugs and alcohol, who was willing to be passed around by these young men,” he said. “The problem is that Stacy’s ability to make sound and knowing decisions during those times was impaired by medical and psychological issues.”

On cross examination of the two victims, the younger Rittgers got both young men to admit Schuler’s behavior at her home, when she had been drinking, was “weird” but at school she was a favorite teacher and was always there for her students, male and female alike.

Hiett walked the two victims through every intimate detail of their extra curricular activities with Schuler and told Peeler during her opening statement that he will find the teacher guilty as charged.

“She had sex, in various ways with five young men, on five different occasions and provided them with alcohol,” she said.

Contact this reporter at (513) 696-4525 or dcallahan@coxohio.com.

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