Last summer, The Enon Food Truck rallies were a welcome break to the pandemic restrictions that were driving us all crazy.
Yet this spring, for awhile, it didn’t look like the food truck rallies were returning. Finally clarification of the rules by Gov. Mike DeWine made it possible to start the rallies again. I am relieved that it all has worked out for the governmental agencies, community and businesses involved.
This is not to say that the pandemic is over. Oh no, no, no. We are not that lucky. But the pandemic emergency has at least in this area reached the point that carefully orchestrated events like proms, graduations, and festivals can happen if we abide by the group size, distance rules and wear our masks.
Single food trucks have set up for months in our area, and I was happy to see they were still in business. But now it will be a genuine treat to have as many as three food trucks on one lot to get us some fun choices. The names of the trucks featured each week will be posted on the Enon Food Truck Rally page on Facebook.
At 4 p.m. today, three food trucks will be set up on the DeVore parking lot at 341 East Main Street in Enon, just a stone’s throw (or maybe a couple of throws) from the Enon Adena Mound. Wholly Smokes BBQ, T’s Heavenly Taste, and The Wild Banana will be there until 8 p.m.
Whether or not we have another food truck rally is up to you, folks. If you wear the masks (just for a few minutes) and observe social distancing (no hugging) and not gather closely in large groups to chat with your buddies, we will hopefully continue with Enon Food Truck Rallies every Wednesday.
It is a small effort on our part and I truly believe that restrictions will let up a bit as more of us get immunized. Before long we will be one more step closer to normal.
Since Easter, we all have enjoyed watching softball, baseball and track. Not having it last year was such a disappointment. I’m so thankful that we’ve been able to get our infection levels and immunization numbers to the point that we feel safe enough to have spring sports. Social distancing is easy with outside sports. After all we always kind of did it anyway.
Prom preparations have been exciting. After a year of no proms being able to plan for a prom, even a somewhat limited prom, is a step in the right direction.
As the mother of three girls and grandmother of five girls I thoroughly enjoy prom season and am glad we won’t miss 2021. Love those photos.
I look forward to graduation ceremonies, too. We just need to accept that we are not all the way to recovery and agree to some restrictions, spacing and mask wear. I predict some creative masks will be happening at graduations.
I am deeply thankful that we can be in church again. Having to worship via Zoom or listening while sitting in the parking lot did have its merits for awhile (sweat suits and coffee). However just getting into that sanctuary to see the other worshipers, to hear the organ music, to have congregational responses come from more than two people is truly a blessing even if the voices are a bit muffled.
I love watching the sunshine coming through the stained glass windows instead of just shining on the outside. Being in church again just makes me happy.
This has been a good lesson for me at least to be thankful that we live in country where freedom of religion is a right. We will celebrate greatly when all health restrictions are lifted and we can sing at the top of our lungs.
Some of our parks are taking reservations for shelter houses again. Since those picnic pavilions were roped off for a year we can truly appreciate that they are open again even if we still do have to have the discipline to abide by some COVID restrictions.
One of the hardest things during this pandemic has been the inconsistency of rules, guidelines, closings, restrictions, and all. It was easiest when we could go nowhere and nothing was allowed.
Now we just have to be patient as the restrictions are lifted bit by bit. If you want to see restrictions go away faster, do all you can to keep COVID-19 from spreading to anyone else.
Those of us who can will jump through all the hoops to get immunized, and continue being careful until herd immunity is reached. I don’t want the restrictions to go on any longer than necessary. I’m tired of all this, too.
So as we get to have more events remember how thankful you are that the event is even happening at all. It is progress. And please be patient with the mask, and distancing rules. We are entering the final stretch of this marathon.
Keep on keeping on.