Community Health Foundation awards more than $430K to 47 organizations

Community Health Foundation (CHF) supports the community with outreach funding and community events. A foundation HEAL grant helps fund the visioning garden at the Promise Neighborhood, which collaborated with others such as Catholic Central and the Springfield Museum of Art. Here, Catholic Central elementary students performed a service day at the garden and provided information on summer garden camps and activities. Contributed

Community Health Foundation (CHF) supports the community with outreach funding and community events. A foundation HEAL grant helps fund the visioning garden at the Promise Neighborhood, which collaborated with others such as Catholic Central and the Springfield Museum of Art. Here, Catholic Central elementary students performed a service day at the garden and provided information on summer garden camps and activities. Contributed

The Community Health Foundation (CHF) has awarded grants totaling more than $430,000 to 47 local organizations.

CHF supports the community with outreach funding, community events and the Health Resource Guide, which includes health and daily living information, as well as the reproductive health services in the healthcare pavilion.

The CHF Board of Trustees awarded funding of $250,000 to 42 organizations for responsive grants requests, $139,000 to four organizations for health equity requests, and $50,000 to support the dental clinic at Rocking Horse Community Health Center.

“This funding is vital to ensure residents are provided healthy options for active living, quality health care, reproductive health choices and access to fresh food,” said Leann Castillo, CHF board chair and executive director for National Trail Parks and Recreation.

This year, CHF’s outreach funding, which also includes mini grants of $1,000 or less, was $505,000.

The responsive grants that ranged between $3,000 to $20,000 focused on five main areas of children’s health: chronic disease prevention and management, maternal and infant health, sexual health, mental health and substance use.

The organizations funded included Advocates for Basic Legal Equality Inc.; CitiLookout; Clark County Department of Reentry; Clark County Literacy Coalition; Project Jericho; Crayons to Classrooms; Deaf Community Resource Center; Girls on the Run; McKinley Hall Partners in Prevention; On-The-Rise; Project Woman; Oesterlen Services for Youth; Second Harvest Food Bank; and the Springfield Peace Center, plus other nonprofit organizations focused on those needs.

The health equity funding included:

  • $19,000 to H.O.P.E. for operating their afterschool program to provide safe, educational and fun physical activities for 475 underserved youth in grades K-12, as well as no-cost meals and the community basketball court.
  • $25,000 to 1159 South Community Development Corporation to support their Rebuilding Blocks program to revive a southwest Springfield neighborhood by rehabbing houses to provide a safe and health living environment.
  • $45,000 to the Clark County Combined Health District for partial funding for its health equity coordinator and for the infant vitality collaborative’s efforts to provide safe sleep and transportation equipment.
  • $50,000 to the Rocking Horse Community Health Center for patient advocacy and education efforts to mainly target the growing Haitian population to provide information and services through community health workers and the social media radio station run by local Haitian leaders.

David Smiddy, Clark County Literacy Coalition executive director, said the grant allows them to address healthcare issues, which helps the students and community-at-large.

“People usually don’t consider how impactful teaching English as a second language is to health and safety, but if someone cannot read a prescription or does not know what to say when calling 9-1-1, the results could be serious,” he said.

Stephen Massey, CitiLookout, said they’re grateful for CHF’s support and partnerships to let them continue to foster healing and recovery in the community.

“Without the funding support that CHF provides, Citilookout would not be as effective in answering the call to help people in crisis, provide counseling, advocacy, and other vital means of recovery the individual’s and families need,” he said.

Earlier this year, CHF also provided a total of $35,000 to six organizations for the HEAL — Healthy Eating, Active Living — initiative. They were given to:

  • The Braxton Miller Foundation for its basketball program, which also includes a nutritional message for third through eighth grade boys and girls.
  • Jefferson Street Oasis Community Garden to increase neighborhood participation.
  • Ohio State University Extension to provide handicap access for its community garden.
  • Rocking Horse for expansion of its purple apron nutrition and education program for people with diabetes.
  • Second Harvest Food Bank for outreach efforts.
  • Springfield Promise Neighborhood for expansion of its visioning garden.

“CHF is at the forefront of improving our community housing, a significant health determinant, and is committed to helping our area’s population realize more healthy lifestyles,” said John Brown, regional president for Park National Bank and CHF board member.

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