Clark State appoints Tiffany Hunter as college provost

Clark State Community College has appointed Tiffany Hunter as the college’s provost, according to a release from the school.

Hunter began at the college as vice president of academic affairs in January of 2019 after serving as the dean of education and human services and as a faculty member at Florida State College-Jacksonville.

“My goals for this new role are to continue to expand our program offerings, finalize our program alignment review that will enable me to identify opportunities for growth for our current and future programs, further expand the work of our Center for Teaching and Learning, continue to lead the work of closing achievement gaps through our participation in Achieving the Dream and also continue my focus on diversity, equity and inclusion efforts as I continue to lead the faculty,” Hunter said.

Hunter said she is grateful to be recognized for the work she has been able to achieve since arriving at Clark State and for the trust placed in her to continue growing, developing and leading as the provost of the college.

“Dr. Hunter is a trusted and passionate advocate for students and leads faculty as only one of their own could--with a keen eye on ensuring professional development that results in student success and innovation,” said Clark State President Dr. Jo Alice Blondin. “As provost, the community can expect an even greater emphasis on diversity and equity for our students as well as increased investment in academic programs.”

Blondin said Hunter will continue to serves as the chief academic officer, but will add to her portfolio strategic budgeting to improve equipment and classrooms for the faculty.

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