Clark-Shawnee to host Power of the Pen competition today

Shawnee Middle School's 8th Grade Power of the Pen Team at the District Tournament at Kenton Ridge Middle School. Contributed

Shawnee Middle School's 8th Grade Power of the Pen Team at the District Tournament at Kenton Ridge Middle School. Contributed

Clark-Shawnee schools will host the Regional Power of the Pen writing competition today for many middle school students to “showcase their creativity, talent, and writing skills.”

“The Power of the Pen program empowers middle school writers, acknowledging the importance and value of their talent and of the stories they create,” said Darcy Leis, middle school teacher and director of the Regional Power of the Pen. “Our region’s writers are skilled and dedicated. Helping facilitate this program — a program that shines a light on our region’s young literary masterminds — is an honor.”

This competition encourages seventh and eighth grade students to create original works fiction and nonfiction in response to prompts provided during the event. It will feature three rounds of writing, with students given 40 minutes to respond to each prompt. Their work will then be judged based on creativity, voice, structure, language and mechanics.

Students participated in district competitions earlier this year where top writers from each district competition advanced to the regional tournament, and 20% of the regional competitors will advance to the State Power of the Pen tournament in May.

The Shawnee Middle School seventh grade team placed first out of 15 schools at the district competition, and had four writers place in the top 12 at the event.

The Turner Foundation of Springfield and the Kiwanis Club of Dayton are sponsoring the event, as well as special awards presented at the tournament.

The Western Power of the Pen Region includes districts in Champaign, Clark, Darke, Greene, Logan, Miami, Montgomery and Preble counties.

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