Clark County to spend nearly $3M to improve broadband in rural areas

The Board of Clark County Commissioner has voted to approve nearly $3 million in funding to improve high-speed broadband internet connectivity in rural areas of the county.

The improvement is part of a multi-phase project that will begin next year and is slated to be completed at the end of 2021. Funding for the project was made possible through CARES Act Funding.

“Access to high-speed internet has become essential for rural families in today’s economy,” Commission President Melanie Flax Wilt said. “Rural residents are workers, students, businesses and consumers and technology is a great equalizer that will allow our rural communities to prosper.”

The first phase of the project will construct an additional 61 miles of infrastructure and expand broadband infrastructure to about 415 households in the county.

Nearly 5% of Clark County’s population does not have access to high-speed broadband internet.

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