Clark County issues caution about emails after computer servers go down

The 911 system was still operating Thursday.

All of the Clark County computer servers are down, according to a spokesperson for the county on Thursday.

As a result of the servers being down, the county is asking its partners to be cautious when opening emails from within the organization, according to a release from the Board of the Clark County Commissioners.

“If you receive a suspicious email from Clark County with a .ZIP attachment, please do not open it. We’re asking partners to simply delete the email,” the release stated.

The county’s 911 system remains working, according to Michael Cooper, Clark County Public Information Officer.

“We can confirm Clark County’s 9-1-1 system is operational, and public safety is not at risk at this time,” Cooper said.

County officials provided no details on what caused the servers to go down.

“Due to the highly sensitive nature of the issue, we’re not able to speak to the matter at this time,” Cooper said.

County servers have been down since around 8:10 a.m. Thursday, according to Melissa Tuttle, Clerk of Courts.

The county has no access to services such as records request, county searches, case number searches, images or dockets. The county still has paper files and can search for cases that way with a case number, and Title Offices are not affected, Tuttle said.

“Our servers with the county are down for the Common Pleas Clerk’s Office, we do not have access to search internally. We can pull physical case files if we know a case number,” Tuttle said in a post to her Facebook page.

PSA: Sorry for any inconvenience our website is down. Our servers with the county our down for the Common Pleas Clerk's...

Posted by Melissa M Tuttle, Clerk of Courts on Thursday, May 13, 2021

There is no estimate of when the servers will resume operating.

“There is currently no timeline for when our servers will be restored. Clark County is working diligently to correct the issue,” Cooper said.

Cooper said the county will release more details as soon as they have more information.

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