Clark County Municipal Court cases

Stacy Mowers, 34, of 1922 Rutland Ave., fishing without license, guilty, 10 days of jail with 10 days suspended, fined $25.

Kimberly Kay Fenwick, 29, of 1018 Middle St., criminal trespass, guilty, 15 days of jail, credit for time served, CTS from 7/12/21.

Aaron Lee Fuller, 20, of 1429 E. High St., theft, guilty, 15 days of jail with 15 days suspended, jail suspended - rest paid in full, fined $50.

Cedric Allen Scerba, 20, of 1038 Lagonda Ave., obstructing official business, dismissed, disorderly conduct, guilty, fined $50.

Ronald E. Smith, 45, of 3323 Upper Valley Park, use/possession drug paraphernalia., guilty, fined $200, operating without valid operator license, dismissed.

Perry Wayne Taylor, 30, of 106 Cottage Place, criminal damaging, bench warrant ordered.

Keith Cornelius Wooster, 46, of 1302 Delta Road Apt. B, reduced to 2nd degree misdemeanor criminal damaging, guilty, 45 days of jail with 45 days suspended, 6 months of probation, comply with McKinley Hall outpatient treatment.

Jared Gilbert, 42, of Urbana, OH, fishing without license, bench warrant ordered, bond $500.

Kevin M. Hawes, 50, of 3485 N. Hampton Road, telephone harassment, bench warrant ordered, bond $2,500.

Tiffany Jones, 37, of 644 W. First St., theft, innocent, continued, bond $1,000, theft, innocent, continued, bond $1,000.

Marcus Jordan McCormick, 26, of Dayton, OH, PV denied, guilty.

Michael S. Bass, 43, of 327 W. Grand Ave., aggravated menacing, continued, refused PD in court, NAPT.

Joshua M. James, 39, of St. Paris, OH, receiving stolen property, guilty, 90 days of jail with 90 days suspended, no further offenses/pay, fined $100.

Alex Joseph Karjala, 35, of New Carlisle, OH, OVI, bench warrant ordered, warrant ordered, failure to drive on right, bench warrant ordered, warrant ordered, operating without use all seatbelts, bench warrant ordered, warrant ordered, OVI, bench warrant ordered, warrant ordered.

Shawn A. Nickles, 42, of 525 W, Parkwood Ave., theft, continued, refused PD in court.

Stacy L. Rife, 35, of 626 Tibbetts Ave., murder/robbery, dismissed - indicted, murder, dismissed - indicted, complicity, dismissed - indicted, tamper with evidence, dismissed - indicted.

Marco Velazquez, 38, of 2432 Lexington Ave., OVI, bench warrant ordered, warrant ordered, drive without valid license, bench warrant ordered, warrant ordered, speed, bench warrant ordered, warrant ordered, seat belt, bench warrant ordered, warrant ordered.

John A. Hamelers, 40, of Westerville, OH, OVI, continued, OVI/breath, dismissed, FTY from private drive, dismissed, operating without use all seatbelts, dismissed.

Juan M. Hernandez, 39, of 922 Sunset Ave. Apt. D, violation of TPO, guilty, 90 days of jail with 90 days suspended, jail suspended on condition no new offenses with victim for 1 year, fined $75.