Patricia A. Clay, 62, of 700 E. McCreight Ave. #215, burglary, innocent, continued, no contact, public defender appointed, released on own recognizance bond.
Terrell Compton, 40, probation violation warrant served defendant jailed, guilty, probation violation warrant served defendant jailed, guilty.
Jacoc I. Lannom, 23, of 1584 Highland Ave., identity fraud, bench warrant ordered, bond $1,500.
Jacob I. Lannon, 23, of 1584 Highland Ave., OVI, bench warrant ordered, bond $1,500, buy/furnish beer/liquor, bench warrant ordered, driving under suspension, bench warrant ordered, traffic control device, bench warrant ordered, no seat belt, bench warrant ordered.
Shanna M. Oliver, 53, of Xenia, request for bail, continued, bond $50,000.
Brandon D. Allen, 38, of 1157 Selma Road, theft, dismissed, theft, dismissed.
Brandon D. Allen, 38, of 1157 Selma Road, theft, dismissed.
Daza D. Espitia, 23, of Dayton, OVI, dismissed - indicted by the grand jury, OVI/blood, dismissed - indicted by the grand jury, drive without valid license, dismissed - indicted by the grand jury, failure to control, dismissed - indicted by the grand jury.
Angel Harper, 43, of 508 S. Douglas, complicity, dismissed.
Melissa G. Holland, 42, of 111 N. Race St., OVI, continued, operate without valid operator license, dismissed.
Jarrod A. Hoosier, 32, of 929 Oak St., criminal trespass, continued, bond changed to “OR”.
Carl J. Lemmings, 34, of 2845 Columbus Ave. #47, flee/elude police officer, continued, bond remains $7500 community service.
Richard L. Levalley, 58, of 838 Oak St., OVI, continued, hit skip, dismissed, failure to control, guilty, fine and costs to be public defender within 2 months, fined $150.
Latisha M. E. Mccormick, 34, of 2420 Mayfair, theft, bench warrant ordered.
Latisha M. Mccormick, 34, of 2420 Mayfair, menacing, bench warrant ordered.
Shawn Q. Adams, 39, of 432 Lyle Avenue, OVI/refusal, bench warrant ordered, warrant ordered, OVI, bench warrant ordered, warrant ordered, driving under suspension, bench warrant ordered, warrant ordered, fail to register, bench warrant ordered, warrant ordered, open container/vehicle, bench warrant ordered, warrant ordered, right of way, bench warrant ordered, warrant ordered.
Timothy R. Rowland, 34, of 625 E. Main St., driving under suspension OVI suspension, bench warrant ordered, warrant ordered, driver license required, bench warrant ordered, warrant ordered, failure to stop at the scene of an accident, bench warrant ordered, warrant ordered, failure to control, bench warrant ordered, warrant ordered.
Jaylin D. Cameron, 25, of 1115 Heard Ave., domestic violence, dismissed, assault, dismissed, immunity prohibited condition, guilty, 30 days of jail with 30 days suspended, 12 months of probation, fine/costs due by end of probation, fined $50.
Ryan C. Cox Jr., 23, of 1624 N. Yellow Springs St., telephone harassment, continued, resisting arrest, dismissed, obstructing official business, continued, disorderly conduct by, dismissed.
Jarrod A. Hoosier, 32, of 929 Oak St., criminal trespass, continued, bond changed to “OR”, theft, continued, bond changed to “OR”, no contact with Walmart on Tuttle Road, obstructing official business, continued, bond remains $8000 community service.
Ciera L. Hurn, 18, of 832 Mound St., assault, continued, public defender appointed.
Carl J. Lemmings, 34, of 2845 Columbus Ave. #47, flee/elude police officer, continued, bond remains $7500 community service.
Anthony E. Pyles, 54, of Dayton, theft, dismissed.
Christina Saunders, 54, of 423 Woodview Drive, OVI amended to failure to control, guilty, 30 days of jail, 12 months of driver’s license suspension, re: jail - 30 days, credit for time served, suspend balance, no offenses for 1 year, fine/costs due by May 20, 2025 at 8:45 a.m., fined $200, drive without valid license, dismissed, failure to control, guilty, fine/costs due by May 20, 2025 at 8:45 a.m., fined $100.
Azure V. White, 38, of 2144 Cheviot Hills Drive, OVI, bench warrant ordered, marked lanes, dismissed, expired operator license, dismissed.
Paul D. Cooper Jr., 37, of 2717 Dale Ave., domestic violence, dismissed, assault, guilty, 60 days of jail with 59 days suspended, 1 days credit for time served, 12 months of probation, no contact with victim except for exchanging custody, of the children, fined $200.
Jason B. Frock, 40, of 2604 Berger Ave., criminal damaging, bench warrant ordered.
Angel Harper, 43, of 508 S. Douglas, complicity, dismissed.
Amber N. Parks, 30, of 2159 Larch St., resisting arrest, bench warrant ordered.
Vince J. Putman, 40, of 812 Selma Road, criminal damaging, bench warrant ordered, criminal trespass, bench warrant ordered.
Justin L. Wallace Sr., 44, of 1206 1/2 Lagonda Ave., obstructing official business, bench warrant ordered, possess drug abuse instrument, bench warrant ordered.
Patrick E. Dyer, 59, of 220 Montgomery Ave., Apt. 14, drug paraphernalia offense, dismissed, OVI amended to physical control, guilty, fine/cost to be paid in 1 year, fined $350, speed, dismissed, no seat belt, dismissed.
Austin R. Stanforth, 22, of 1645 Montego Drive, OVI, guilty, 90 days of jail with 87 days suspended, 3 days credit for time served, 12 months of driver’s license suspension, no further driving offenses for 1 year and, payment of fine and costs by May 21, 2025 at 8:45 a.m., defendant shall not appear if paid in full, fined $375.
Julaine R. Thompson, 61, of Dayton, OVI, continued, OVI, dismissed, hit skip probation violation, dismissed, failure to control, dismissed.