Clark County Municipal Court cases

Cases called include:

Ali Y. Khazaal, 20, of 473 E. Northern Ave., request for bail, innocent, continued, bond set at “no bond”.

Gregory E. Mckeever, 28, of 366 E. Cecil St., discharging firearms, innocent, continued, NAPT.

Joseph Pash, 58, of New Carlisle, theft, guilty, guilty, 5 days of jail, credit for time served, CTS from 1/2/21, declined PD.

Anthony W. Patterson, 40, of 1566 E. Main St., assault, bench warrant ordered, bond $500, criminal trespass, bench warrant ordered, bond $250.

Anthony W. Patterson, 40, of 1566 E. Main St., theft, bench warrant ordered, bond $500.

Deborah A. Thompson, 61, of Dayton, complicity, dismissed.

Roger S. Thompson, 65, of Dayton, theft, dismissed.

John W. Tuck, 69, of Fairborn, theft, dismissed.

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