Marquan L. Holmes, 25, of Dayton, strangulation, continued, no contact, public defender appointed, bond $15,000.
Jose Morales, 23, of 1017 Summer St., OVI, bench warrant ordered, OVI, bench warrant ordered, drive without valid license, bench warrant ordered, failure to yield/red light, bench warrant ordered, no seat belt, bench warrant ordered.
Mykela A. Parker, 23, of Dayton, OVI, bench warrant ordered, OVI/refusal, bench warrant ordered, driving under suspension, bench warrant ordered.
James E. Tompkins, 67, of 220 Montgomery Ave., murder, continued, public defender appointed, bond $500,000.
Tonya Traynor, 43, of 2642 North Limestone St., OVI, guilty, guilty, waiver, OVI, guilty, waiver, turn and stop signal, guilty, waiver.
Renelus Dorce, 41, of 1136 E. John St., Apt. 16, domestic violence, dismissed, assault, dismissed.
Bradley A. M. Reagan, 30, of 313 E. College Ave., aggravated robbery, dismissed - indicted by the grand jury.
Miguel B, Diaz Guillermo, 39, of 108 S. Hubert Ave., Apt, 1, OVI, continued, drive without valid license, dismissed, marked lanes, dismissed.
Travis R, Fuller, 41, of Fairborn, obstructing official business, bench warrant ordered, possess drug abuse instrument, bench warrant ordered.
Adulfo L, Jaurez, 39, of 1564 Charles St., OVI, dismissed.
Jykeera N, Jones, 26, of 1314 Delta Road, Apt. H, violation of temporary protection order, bench warrant ordered.
Tracy Lunsford, 57, of 651 Scott St., assault, dismissed.
Timothy L. Mcmahon, 44, of 120 S. Race St., theft, bench warrant ordered, theft, bench warrant ordered, theft, bench warrant ordered.
Levi J. Mowers, 30, of 502 Mead Lane, OVI, continued, driving under suspension- operator’s license forfeiture, dismissed, display of license plates, dismissed.
Tevin L. Stewart, 31, of 1220 W. Johnny Lytle Ave., criminal trespass, bench warrant ordered.
Juan Doe, 21, of 521 Rice St., falsification, dismissed, obstructing official business, dismissed, OVI, dismissed - prosecutor request, operate without valid operator license, dismissed - prosecutor request, failure to control, dismissed - prosecutor request.
Adulfo L. Jaurez, 39, of 1564 Charles St., OVI, continued, drive without valid license, dismissed, open container/vehicle, dismissed, no seat belt, dismissed.
Jade Donaldson, 24, of Dayton, OVI, continued, OVI, dismissed, head lights, dismissed.
Brookelyn Foulke, 26, of 1931 Jordan Drive, Apt. L, OVI, continued, driving under suspension, dismissed, marked lanes, dismissed.