Joanes Francois, 36, of Springfield, OVI/breath, bench warrant ordered, failure to control, bench warrant ordered.
Francisco J. Hernendez, 29, of Springfield, continued, weapons under disability, continued, disrupting public service, continued.
William E. Stroder, 28, of Springfield, OVI, bench warrant ordered, OVI/breath, bench warrant ordered, drive w/out valid license, bench warrant ordered, two lights, bench warrant ordered, operating w/o use all s/b, bench warrant ordered.
Kenneth L. Bailum, 56, of 1401 Lamar Dr, child endangering, continued, child endangering, continued, child endangering, continued, child endangering, continued, obstructing official business, continued.
Dustin L. Brown, 33, of Springfield, OVI, continued, public defender appointed, failure to control, continued.
Jo Ann Bruening, 53, of Dayton, OVI, bench warrant ordered.
Inesha D. Gaston, 24, of Springfield, violating protection order, continued, violating protection order, continued, criminal damaging, continued.
Jerimie T. Mueller, 48, of Springfield, DUI, continued, OVI/refusal, continued, OVI (heroin), continued, OVI-meth, continued, OVI/blood, continued, OVI-marijuana metabolite, continued.
Tevin L. Stewart, 31, of Springfield, criminal trespass, continued. Stewart Tevin L, 31, of At Large, aggravated menacing, continued, possess drug abuse instr., continued, criminal trespass, continued, criminal trespass, continued. Watkins Larese R, 51, of 1506 Heard Ave, crim.trespass, continued, theft, continued, crim.trespass, continued, theft, continued.
Larese R. Watkins, 51, of Springfield, theft, continued, possession of criminal tools, continued, criminal trespass, continued, theft, continued, possession of criminal tools, continued, criminal trespass, continued, theft, continued.
Tobirus J. Bell, 40, of Columbus, OVI/breath, continued.
Alandre J. Gilbreath, 39, of 321 W Liberty St, failure to reinstate license, continued, DUS- OL forfeiture, continued, oper w/o valid ol, continued, ftssa, continued, left of center, continued.
Laquan Jennings, 41, of 4126 Kammar Ave, OVI, continued, OVI/refusal, continued, dus, continued, failure to reinstate license, continued, disregard of safety, continued, drive w/out valid license, continued, vehicle lights, continued, traffic control device, continued.
Ryanne K. Kennealy, 44, of Springfield, theft, bench warrant ordered.
Rodney T. Lee, 36, of New Carlisle, resisting arrest, bench warrant ordered, criminal mischief, bench warrant ordered, crim.trespass, bench warrant ordered, assault, bench warrant ordered, criminal trespass, bench warrant ordered.
Travis W. Lunsford, 37, of Dayton, theft, continued, obstructing official business, continued, criminal trespass, continued.
Nadiah R. Sampuran, 24, of Springfield, domestic violence, continued, assault, continued, criminal damaging, continued.
Brandon Smith, 39, of Springfield, request for bail, continued.
Jonathan L. Vorhees, 33, of Springfield, assault, bench warrant ordered, vehicle trespass, bench warrant ordered.
Soraya T. Wilson, 30, of Columbus, OVI, bench warrant ordered, oper w/o valid OL, bench warrant ordered, assured clear distance, bench warrant ordered, display of license plates, bench warrant ordered.