James A. Hannon, 47, of 318 S. Belmont Ave., immunity prohibited cond., dismissed - prosecutor request.
Christina M. Parks, 24, of 508 Tibbetts Ave., bench-warrant served-defendant jailed, guilty, bond $2,500.
Dusty R. Powell, 30, of 109 Western Ave., theft, innocent, continued, bond $2,500.
Wayne A. Reavers, 50, of 1924 W. High St., menacing, innocent, continued, eligible defendant.
Brandon M. Remsberg, 25, of 2426 Lexington Ave., domestic violence, dismissed, assault, dismissed.
Richard L. Stahlberg, 22, of 2114 Hillside Ave., aggravated menacing, bench warrant ordered, bond $1,500.
Robert A. Wallace, 57, of 217 N. Greenmount Ave., OVI, bench warrant ordered, bond $1,000.
Charles D. Alfrey, 53, of Quincy, OH., unauthorized use of vehicle, continued, eligible defendant, no contact-not to be 500 ft. 2245 N. Houston Pk.
Mark Schuler, 29, of Ft Thomas, KY., unsafe vehicle, continued, eligible defendant.
Paul F. Johnson, 38, of New Carlisle, assault, bench warrant ordered.
Allyssa J. Park, 24, of 352 Stanton Ave., hit-skip, bench warrant ordered, failure to control, bench warrant ordered.
Billy R. Robinson, 44, of Columbus, OH, theft, continued, eligible defendant.
Jessica L. Whitt, 42, of 701 Tibbetts Ave., driving without owner consent, bench warrant ordered, domestic violence, bench warrant ordered, assault, bench warrant ordered.
Anthony G. Ehlinger, 26, of 2315 Tavenner Rd., theft, dismissed - prosecutor request, criminal trespass, guilty, 20 days of jail, 20 days jail, CTS 20 days.
Wilmarie Rodriguez, 42, of 2650 E. High St. Apt. #96, theft, bench warrant ordered.
Abby Small, 30, of West Mansfield, failure to comply, dismissed - prosecutor request, unauthorized use of vehicle, dismissed - prosecutor request.
Abby L. Small, 30, of West Mansfield, disregard of safety, dismissed - prosecutor request, failure to control, dismissed - prosecutor request.
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