Clark County Common Pleas Court cases

Current cases:

23CV0154: IH Credit Union, Inc. v. Anthony Knapp, breach of contract.

23CV0155: Altercare of Mayfield Village, Inc. v. Absolute Pharmacy, Inc., Michael Hill, possible spouse, Talena Hill, Pamela Littlejohn, Clark County Treasurer, State of Ohio Department of Taxation, The Unknown Heirs, Devisees, Legatees, Executors, Administrators, and Assigns and their Spouses, if any, and the Unknown Guardians of Minor and or Incompetent Heris of Andrea M. McClellan, if any, Unknown Address, Wesbanco Bank, Inc., foreclosure.

23CV0156: Caitilin Rowe v. Roger Diller, Ohio Department of Medicaid, Progressive, Tecumseh Local Board of Education, personal injury.

All cases are up-to-date.

Property transfers:

Sage J. and Chance F. Ward to Chance F. and Shelley R. Ward, 2149 Woodside Ave., Springfield; none.

Zeus Investments Inc. to Alejandro Martine Valdez, 2018 Prospect Circle, Springfield; $58,000.

Rachel M. and Victor Lawwill to Jeffrey E. and Jennifer E. Byerly, 327 Roseland Ave., Springfield; $155,000.

Robert L. Leatherman to Leatherman 90 1 LLC, 2311 E. Home Road; $65,000.

Robert L. Leatherman to Leatherman 90 1 LLC, 2317 E. Home Road; $65,000.

Michael R. Doogs to David Jr. and Dedra J. Sutliff, 2700 Merritt St., Springfield; $75,000.

Kash J. and Ruth A. Laywell to JAMSRL LLC, 2520 Lagonda Ave., Springfield; $89,900.

Barbara Perkins to Lacy Gilkerson, 2370 Lagonda Ave., Springfield; $26,800.

Ernest A. Knox to Gregory Campbell, 2547 Tecumseh Ave., Springfield; none.

Eric Thomas Woodland to Dustin and Kathy Owens, 1701-1703 Mansfield Ave., Springfield; $48,000.

Austin Debar to Daniel Mc Curdy, 1810 Rutland Ave., Springfield; $97,500.