Clark County Common Pleas Court cases

Current cases:

21CV0372: Marcus Fisher, Marwan Snodgrass vs. Rand Baith PA, Carol Bartlage, Micheal Hemmert, John Doe/Jane Doe Nurse/physician Employee of SRMC, John or Jane Doe, Nurse/Employee/Contractors of WRH, DR Filix Kencana, Mtanious Makhoul, MD, Pina Patel, Tejas Patel, Adolph Randall, MD, Caleb Roberts PA, Pratik Shah, Springfield Regional Medical Center, Wright Rehabilitiation & Healthcare, wrongful death.

21CV0373: Mershon’s World of Cars Inc. vs. Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company, Peter Bechtle, complaint for damages.

21CV0374: Rusty Jenkins, Megan Ward vs. First Acceptance Insurance Company Inc., John Doe Driver, Name and Address Unknown, Progressive Specialty Insurance Company, State of Ohio, Department of Medicaid, Armatine Travis, personal injury.

21CV0375: Jerome Flowers vs. Administrator, Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, Aldi Inc. Springfield, bureau of workers comp appeal.

21CV0376: Roy Kegley vs. AllState Indeminity Company, James Murphy, personal injury.

All files are up-to-date.

Marriage licenses:

Karl Procter, 36, of Springfield, advanced EMT and Brooke Willmeth, 30, of Springfield, funeral home assistant.

Property transfers:

Sandra L. Balmer to MTGW Acquisitions Inc., 297 Andrews Ln., New Carlisle; $80,000

Nicole Bloomfield to Jeremy J. Snyder, 7588 Milton-Carlisle Road, Springfield; $165,000

Karen M. McDonald to Ana and Mason Dyer, 396 Lammes Lane, New Carlisle; $224,900

June E. and Lowell R. Nawman to Lowell R. Nawman, 598 N. Medway-Carlisle Road, New Carlisle; no fee

Juleanne and Dennis M. Messina to Dennis M. Messina, 405 Stratmore St., New Carlisle; no fee

Laura E. Lokai to Nicholas Scudder, 475 Winchester St., New Carlisle; $135,000

Christopher T. and Kathleen S. Wilkey to Auto Wash LLC, 548 McAdams Dr., New Carlisle; no fee

Amanda D. Rhim and Jonathan T. Pelfrey to Amanda D. and Jonathan T. Pelfrey, 229 Weinland St., New Carlisle; no fee