23CV0365: Carol A. Eads, executrix v. Good Shephard Village, Good Shephard Village, LLC, Good Shephard Village, Ltd., wrongful death.
23CV0366: Springfield Portfolio OH, LLC v. Columbia Gas of Ohio, Columbia Gas of Ohio, admin.
23CV0367: NewRez LLC d/b/a Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing v. Treasurer of Clark County, Unknown Heirs at Law, Devisees, Legatees, Administrators, and Executors of the Estate of Elwood L. Bowers, deceased, Unknown Heirs at Law, Devisees, Legatees, Administrators, and Executors of the Estate of Joyce M. Bowers, deceased, Unknown Spouse, if any, of Elwood L. Bowers, Unknown Spouse, if any, of Joyce M. Bowers, foreclosure.
All cases are up-to-date.
Marriage licenses:
Jacob T. Hart, 29, of Springfield, assistant manager and Daniella Straathof, 30, of Springfield, closing specialist.
Patricia A. Lafon, 69, of Springfield, medical biller and Clyde F. Massengill, 75, of Springfield, retired.
Property transfers:
Hilda R. Bolle, trustee, and Brenda K. Brannon, 816-818, 820-822 W. Main St., Springfield, $50,000.
Christen L. and Justin E. Mosier to Justin Vanbeber, 2140 Saint Paris Pike, Springfield; $201,000.
Larry E. Huxley and Darlene K. Knox to Larry E. Huxley, 811 Tanglewood Drive, Springfield; none.
David A. and Ruth A. Rose to Ruth A. Rose, 2211 Tanager Road, Springfield; none.