“We utilize our strategic plan as a framework for creating our budgets for the next year,” Hutchison said.
She reviewed the 2021 budget and projected revenue and expenses for next year’s general fund at the Dec. 22 commission meeting.
The sales tax revenue for 2022 is projected to be $30 million. Clark County has a maximum sales tax rate of 7.25%, with 1.5% going to the county, and money collected from tax makes up roughly 60% of the county’s general fund.
Revenues from 2021 totaled $43.1 million, of which $28 million came from the county’s sales tax.
The county is projected to spend $49.2 in 2022 from its budget, down 1.4% from the $49.8 million spent in 2021 on expenses related to county departments, personnel and more.
The county will also consider several capital requests from its departments for next year, which range from vehicle requests from the sheriff’s office and dog warden to a $405,000 horse barn project at the Clark County Fairgrounds. Also in consideration is $200,000 of jail improvements.
Roughly $6 million worth of requests were made by county departments for the 2022 general fund, Hutchison said, and the commission will decide on which projects can be funded through the $1.6 million of funds available.
The commission will approve the county’s budget, as well as its general fund, in January. The Board approved a $201.3 million budget for 2021, which included a $53.2 million general fund.
The Board of Clark County Commissioners oversees 10 Clark County departments with more than 100 employees, as well as the budgets of 13 Clark County elected officials.
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